Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Day Thirteen of the 21 Day Fix Extreme - Polar Pop Tuesday

Happy Tuesday!  I don't know why Tuesdays make me tired.  It's not like I've had a long week (yet) and Mondays aren't always as long as yesterday was.  But they do.

Sometimes, you have to have something that will set the day off right.  Today started out with 5AM Dirty Thirty - my favorite of the 21 Day Fix Extreme workouts.  This workout is 30 minutes of solid THE GOOD HURT and I love it!  But, I knew by breakfast it was going to be a Polar Pop day. Speaking of breakfast - Chocolate Vegan Shakeology and spinach.  Consistent YUMMO.  One red and one green.

I can't drink coffee.  It's tragic and ridiculous and all of those things but, alas, it destroys my sensitive stomach, so no coffee for me.  I drink "southern coffee."  Meaning, when I need some caffeine in the morning, it's Diet Coke/Coke Zero/ Diet Pepsi time.  Nothing fits the bill like a big 'ole Polar Pop from the gas station around the corner from my office.  67 cents for 64 ounces of yes, please!

I know that diet soda is full of chemicals that will dissolve battery acid deposits and blah blah blah. We've talked about this.  I know, and I like it regardless.  I can't have coffee.  Gotta give me something!

I have to say, this beverage altered the course of my day.  I don't think I could have managed 8 hours of productivity without.

Morning snack - fruit.  I took my gym bag today but had a bunch of stuff I needed to catch up on at lunch time, so I altered my food accordingly for one workout and not two today.  Strawberries and blueberries at my desk.  One purple.

Today was throwback lunch day.  I ate this lunch most every day before I started the Fix and haven't been eating it because it uses up my one blue (healthy fat) and also contains renegade Ranch dressing.  I know, I know, such a REBEL!!

I love this lunch though.  It's good and filling and pretty to look at.  It consisted of chicken (left over from the beer can chicken Heath made on Sunday), red pepper, tomatoes and baby carrots.

Doesn't it look delish?  It was!  The hummus is one blue, I measured it this AM.  The Ranch is about two tablespoons worth.  I counted it as my orange plus two teaspoons.  And one red, one green and one purple.  You may be wondering how someone who is lactose-intolerant can eat Ranch.  Or maybe you aren't, but I'll tell you anyway that regular Ranch dressing in small quantities is ok for me. Homemade Ranch, like at a restaurant, is not.  It's too "real," has non-preservative laden ingredients. This works for me though, because I like a little Ranch with my tomatoes.

I didn't have an afternoon snack.  Didn't need it.  Plus, I was super busy at work and didn't have time to be hungry!

Dinner was leftovers from last night.  I forgot to take a pic but it's basically this same dinner minus the potato.  One red and one green.

After dinner, I took advantage of the 30 minutes I had before taking my son to MMA and walked Lucy around the block.  I was still hungry after dinner and thought I'd give myself a chance to see if I was really hungry or not.  Once around the block (about 1/2 mile) is all Lucy can do, she's only 3 1/2 but has Canine Muscular Myopathy, which is doggie Muscular Dystrophy.  She looks and acts like a normal Lab, she just doesn't have much energy.  She LOVES going around the block, such a happy girl...

Still hungry post-walk and pre-MMA, I decided to have dessert.  I had a lot of containers left, so I had my new favorite - Greek yogurt, granola and raisins.  One red, one yellow and one purple.  And a Cherry Coke Zero :)

Overall a good day!  I ended today with one green, two yellows and two teaspoons.  Tomorrow is Day 14, two-thirds of the way through my 21 Days.  Here's hoping the scale is friendly this week!

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