Thursday, March 26, 2015

Day Eight of the 21 Day Fix - Breakfast for Dinner

Day 8!  Day 1 of Week 2!  It's funny, because after lamenting the number on the scale yesterday, I weighed this morning and was 2 pounds less than yesterday - 3 pounds less than my starting weight. This is why I shouldn't get fixated on the scale, right?  Yeah, I'll still weigh every day.  Just how I am.

So I've done all of the workouts once and today started round two.  Plyo Fix Extreme.  The one what whooped me last week.  And it whooped me again, just not quite the whooping I got before.  First of all, I knew what to expect.  Not only with this workout but for the workouts to follow.  Having learned my lesson with Plyo last week, I stuck with my 8's and 5's for heavy/light weights and took out the plyo on some of the moves that I know made me hurt so much before.  Like the jump lunges. It's a repeat workout, so you do each move twice.  First time, jump lunges.  Second time, regular lunges focused on depth and form.  I'm good and sore, but my quads won't be sobbing for three days!

I actually really like Plyo Fix Extreme - it's a great workout and reminds me a lot of Insanity. Meaning that during you are dying and after you are accomplished.  Not a bad way to start the day :) guessed it, Chocolate Vegan Shakeology and spinach.  I'm still going to give it some more time before I give my full-on review of Shakeology, but I'm really loving this stuff.  It's expensive, but so are high-quality ingredients.  It's tasty and filling and last night I would have made a shake for dessert because it like it so much.  But I decided it was a craving and not hunger so I passed.  If you had told me a month ago I'd be craving vegan chocolate protein powder, I probably would have laughed in your face!  But, anyway, breakfast - one red and one green.

Morning snack today  - Greek yogurt, granola and raisins.  Thursdays are yoga at 12:30 days so I wanted a more filling snack to last me until after class.  Filling and one red, one yellow and one purple.

Post -workout lunch was what may become a new favorite.  I made a wrap with turkey (2 slices Boar's Head Ovengold), red pepper, artichoke hearts and hummus.  It was super tasty.  Like could have eaten two but only had one tasty.  Had a side of carrots and grapes.  This masterpiece is one yellow, 1/2 red, one green, one purple and 1/2 blue.

I wasn't super hungry for my afternoon snack, but I know better than to walk into a house where Doritos live hungry at 5:30.  So I had my usual afternoon shake.

Plus, this has the glutamine to help my legs recover from Plyo.  And it's chocolate and peanut butter. Hellloooooo yummy snack!  Shake is one red, one teaspoon.

We all have those days where there's more stuff to do than time.  Today is one of those days, with orthodontist appointments, soccer practice, MMA (mixed martial arts) and high school registration. HIGH SCHOOL REGISTRATION.  Holy Crap my son was registered for HIGH SCHOOL today. Deep breath...

So, these kinds of afternoons/evening make me 1.  thankful that Heath and I can divide and conquer all these things/places to be that all happen about the same time  2.  thankful that the kids like breakfast for dinner and 3.  want a beer (mainly the high school part).  AND basketball is on tonight, which also makes me want a beer.  BUT NO BEER FOR ME!  Nope.  I'll have a Coke Zero and pretend it's something stronger, LOL.

Dinner - no bacon was ingested in the preparation of this dinner.  Let me clarify that bacon was prepared for this dinner for people other than myself, and I didn't eat any.  Let's dwell for one moment on the fact that I prepared and didn't consume bacon and registered my baby for HIGH SCHOOL and didn't have a beer on the same night.  I think I should win a prize...I know, I know, the prize is that my jeans will fit.

My dinner - egg, spinach, onions, red pepper.  SO MUCH YUM HERE.

The veggies were sauteed in olive oil - so this is 1/2 red, one green and two teaspoons.  Here's what it looked like on a plate for portion reference...

Now I ate this and was still hungry.  I considered making more.  I decided to wait and let my brain and body sync and see if I'm still hungry later.  If I am, I'll have a small snack from what containers I have left.

As of now (8PM) on Day 8, I have 1 purple, 1 yellow, 1/2 blue and one orange left.  I'll let you know tomorrow if I snacked and what it was.

Here's something to think about going into Friday and the weekend, when temptation abounds! Giddy Up Day 9!!

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