Friday, March 20, 2015

Day Two of the 21 Day Fix Extreme - Motivation!

Day Two!  It's Friday, which would normally mean a glass of wine waiting for me at home (ok, ok, that would happen most weeknights too!).  Not tonight!  It's family night and we are going to see Insurgent because my 11 year old justhastoseeitonopeningday.  Anyone with a "tween" gets it.  I am not a fan of movie theaters.  Actually, I pretty much hate them.  I don't like being such a captive audience and all the people and the eating and they are all breathing on me.   Ugh.  But, it's family night and sacrifices must be made!!

Today's workout was Upper Fix Extreme and 10 Minute Hardcore.  Upper Fix is  all upper body and another really good workout.  This one also required two weights, a light and a heavy.  I went with 10's and 8's and it was challenging without being impossible.  I thought about getting heavier weights and remembered the jump squats and chose more wisely today!  10 Minute Hardcore is abs, and exactly what it sounds like.  I really hope I don't have to sneeze in the next two days, because my abs will hurt!

So, motivation.  What motivates you?  I like to think of myself as pretty self-motivating, but sharing my days with you guys is pretty good motivation too!  We have a bulletin board in the bonus room at our house - it's where I keep all of the schedules for all the programs we do.  Looks like this.  Really. Not staged for the pic!

When I looked to see which workout to do this morning, I saw this note from my daugher that just cracked me up.  And while it's not the most motivating message, it shows that she's thinking of me and is taking notice of my attention to my health and nutrition.  That's motivation, folks.  If I can be a mother who encourages good health habits, exercise and the importance of taking care of yourself, then I feel like a successful mother!

She's not much of a morning person, can you tell??

What about at work?  I have and LOVE what I call cubespiration.  Cubespiration is a word that I made up (and it's brilliant, by the way) to describe funny/motivational/inspiring things that I find, print and hang up in my cube at work.  I have a whole file of them and rotate them out from time to time.  I've also been known to print and add cubespiration to my co-worker's cubes.  I'm certain that they find it endearing.

This is what I have up right now:

And this is a permanent one attached to my monitor.  Pretty self explanatory.  Simple, yet effective.  I see it every day.  A little reminder!

I highly recommend cubespiration - pick things that make you laugh AND make you think!

Sooooooooooo......What did I eat today??  I know you are just dying to know!

Breakfast - Chocolate Vegan Shakeology with spinach.  (Told you this would be a trend!)  So that's one red and one green.

Morning Snack - Blueberries and Grapes.  Now I know I said that I was going to add a carb to this snack, but today is a single workout day and I wanted my carbs for dinner.  I've been looking forward to a baked potato.  YUM.  Snack - one purple

Lunch was fun.  I went to Huey's with my work lunch buddy (we go once a week).  We usually go on Wednesday, but went today since I was out on Wednesday.  I warned her in advance that my containers were in my purse and that I'd be portioning out my lunch at the table.  Yep, I was THAT GIRL in Huey's today.  I asked for two bowls when I ordered the Grilled Chicken Salad with no cheese and Fat Free Tomato Basil Vinegarette...and this happened...

This is my salad as served.  Looks good, huh?  So here's what it looks like portioned...

I have to say that I was impressed.  ALL of the chicken and avocado that came with my salad fit into the containers.  ALL OF IT!!!!  Amazing, huh?  I did two greens of lettuce and it was about half of what I started with.  This is what was left of the lettuce...

Lunch was two greens, one red, one blue and one orange.  This pic is those portions in the same size bowl the salad was served in.

Looks good, huh?  It was.  And enough food.  Had I been hungry still, I could have eaten the rest of the lettuce.  After all, nobody got fat eating lettuce.  But I was good.  Really.  I didn't even eat the fabulous little packs of crackers that salads come with...almost didn't even think about it.  Almost.

Afternoon snack, same as yesterday.  Orgain protein powder, PB2 and Glutamine.  Mixed with water and simply delish at 3:30.  One red, one nut butter (tsp).  I enjoyed this at my desk while I streamed a little basketball...and worked...I can do both you know :)

Dinner is grilled chicken, broccoli and the baked potato of my dreams.

I had all three of my yellows left, I counted the potato as two.  The broccoli is one green (really!) and the chicken one red.  The greek yogurt is technically a red, but since I was out of reds, I counted two of my teaspoons of oils.  My last teaspoon is the little bit of butter in the potato.  I didn't eat the entire potato, but I wanted to!  We had to leave to make the 7PM showing of Insurgent.  Which I will say, albeit how unpopular it may make me, SUCKED!  I lost interest about 45 minutes in.  The 11 year old loved it, so there you go.  Maybe I would have enjoyed it more with a glass of wine....but I digress...LOL.

So I end Day 2 with one carb (red) and two purples (fruit) remaining.  Not hungry!  But oh my quads...darn jump squats!!

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