Monday, March 30, 2015

Day Twelve of the 21 Day Fix - Prepared!!

When I as looking at the week yesterday and what the schedule looked like, I was ready for it to be Friday afternoon.  Lots going on this week! Since it's seemingly not going to magically become Friday afternoon, I had to do some planning.

This is the key for me to be successful - I have to plan ahead.  I have to look at the day(s) coming up and put the dots close enough together that I won't mess it up.  This includes my meals, my workouts, kids' schedules and alarms in my phone for EVERYTHING!  I am THAT mother, the one who has set an alarm in my phone so I remember to pick up a child at a certain place at a certain time.  Hey, it happens!

This pic gives you an idea of what I haul to work and home on a daily basis.

The bag on the left has my food for the day.  Granted, the big jug of protein powder is for a friend who is not a CostCo member (I cannot imaging not being a CostCo member!) but the rest of it is my snacks and lunch, already measured and portioned out.

The bag on the right is my gym bag.  I take it every day.  Workout clothes, shoes, towel, hair dryer, all of it.  Today I had capri pants and shorts, so I could do yoga if I wanted or run outside if I wanted. (Yoga in shorts = poor life choice).  I ended up doing a 2 mile treadmill run followed by yoga outside, go figure!  But, I was PREPARED!  You following me??

I prep and pack as much of this as possible the night before.  Again, dots close together.  I have to make it as easy for myself as possible so I don't forget/get sidetracked/say forget it I'm not doing that today when things get crazy and busy around my house in the mornings.  It just works better for me that way.

Now, I am fortunate to work for a company that provides an onsite gym with a trainer and scheduled classes.  SO THANKFUL FOR THIS!!!  It makes it so easy for me to workout on my lunch hour, shower and get back to my desk on time.  (I'm also pretty low maintenance, which helps!!).

Back to the Fix!  This morning's workout was Cardio Extreme Fix.  Again, liked this one more the second time around.  Great combination of weighted moves and cardio intervals without weights. Makes for a great Monday morning workout when I MAY have slipped up a tiny bit (yes, we've talked about the wine already...) and need a good whooping to start the week.  This workout fits the bill!

Breakfast - you will be shocked - was Chocolate Vegan Shakeology and spinach.  Love love love this combo.  One red and one green.

Morning snack - yogurt, granola and raisins at about 10.  I had decided to run a bit even if I also did yoga class so I wanted to have something to keep me full.  This combo is becoming a favorite of mine!

One red, one yellow's worth of granola and about 1/4 full purple, which I count as a purple since it's dried fruit.

Lunch was leftover buffalo chicken lettuce wraps and the were GOOD!  Sometimes you just want a warm lunch and this really hit the spot.  I had my wraps with some strawberries and blueberries for dessert at about 1:15.

I counted this as 1/2 green, 1 red and one purple.  I will make this again for a good made-ahead lunch.  Chicken and wing sauce.  Doesn't get much easier than that!

Afternoon snack is my new afternoon at work staple - it's just too easy and good not to repeat most every day.

I have a shaker that I keep at work, mix water and I'm good to go.  This is one red and one teaspoon.

I've noticed that, on many days, I go over my reds by one.  I get four.  Technically, Shakeology is one and a half scoops = red.  I count a serving as a red and go with it.  Same with the Orgain powder. The way I see it, these are both plant-based proteins so I'm not going to worry about going over by a red. It's not like I'm eating containers of bacon....yuuummmmmmmmmm bacon...  Ok, focus.

Dinner awesome because my awesome husband had it on the table when I got home.  I have a 45 min turn around time between when I get home and when we have to leave for my daughter's soccer game, so Heath had dinner planned and done.  

This was a good as it looks.  I ate about 2/3 of the potato.  This is 1 red, 1 1/2 green and two yellows. Technically, the greek yogurt on the potato is about 1/3 red.  Used a little butter, so I counted 2 teaspoons too.  

I end the day with 1 green, 1 purple and my blue and orange.  Not bad!  Now to watch some soccer - so thankful it's not snowing!  Or raining!  Or 30 degrees!!!  :)

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