Sunday, March 29, 2015

Day Ten of the 21 Day Fix Extreme - Basketball Saturday

It snowed on Saturday.  In Memphis.  On March the 28th.  I would like to say that I am SO OVER winter this year and it can please move on and stay gone.  We had some fantastic days...then it snowed.  As my son put it - can we please have a week where all four seasons are not represented??

Saturday was not my best day nutrition wise.  It's the first day I've really fallen off and not stayed in my portion ranges.  In a nutshell, Saturday was a yellow fest!

Started out good - Pilates in the morning followed by Chocolate Vegan Shakeology and spinach. Good workout, one red and one green at about 7:30AM.

By about 9AM, I was hungry.  Like really hungry. I'm home, so I made one of my favorites - eggs and sauteed veggies.  I used up the spinach in my shake, so I had eggs, onions and red pepper...

I wanted toast with it.  Like a lot.  But I didn't have any, and I'm glad I did, given that my yellow fest was to happen later in the day!  This is one red, one green and one teaspoon.

I spent some time in the afternoon getting my seedlings ready for growing season.  I'll put my Tower Gardens up in about three weeks and so it's time for seedlings.  I've not done indoor growing, but decided to use the grow lights I have to make a seedling starter station in my garage.  These grow lights are on a timer and emulate the sun.  This way I can get them going and not worry about the weather conditions outside, which is good since it SNOWED!!  The grow lights are designed to attach to the Tower Garden, but I rigged them up like this.

My trays of seedlings will sit on the shelf below the lights.  Boom!  Redneck ingenuity!!

So what am I growing this year?  All kids of stuff.  I made these laminated labels at work, because I always think I will remember what's what and then it becomes a surprise when things start producing..

I'll transfer these babies to the Tower Garden when they are about 3-4 weeks old and be eating home-grown yumminess by mid-May!  :)

Lunch was planned to be a wrap with hummus and artichokes.  I ended up eating some of it, it just wasn't doing it for me.  Sometimes it works out that way.  By the afternoon, basketball was on and that was  better idea than this wrap.  It's one yellow, one blue and 1/2 green.  But I ate less than half.

I was craving buffalo chicken dip in the worst way.  Buffalo chicken dip is not on the 21 Day Meal Plan.  So, I made buffalo chicken lettuce wraps.  We had some friends over to watch the games and these are actually a crowd pleaser.  And super easy.  Just take chicken ( I used the canned from CostCo) and wing sauce in a pot and heat up.  Served on romaine lettuce - we had blue cheese crumbles and ranch dressing too.  What's here is 1/2 green and one red.

And it was all good until I had another serving of the chicken with two handfuls of Tostitos!  And a glass of wine.  Ok, two glasses of wine.  Hence the yellows.  Little bit out of control with the yellows on the day!!  At the end of Saturday - I had remaining (I think)...two greens, three purples, one orange.  BUT I went over my yellows by three.  Whoops. Good thing tomorrow is a new day!!

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