Saturday, March 21, 2015

Day Three of the 21 Day Fix Extreme - Happy Saturday!

Happy Saturday!  It's the weekend - hooray! - time for cleaning and planning and shopping and catching up.  Oh, and soccer tournaments and friends and fun too.  This is a tournament weekend, but an in-town tournament, so easier to work around  Two games today, one or two games tomorrow depending on how today goes.  AND it's not sleeting/snowing/wintery mixing.  Bonus!

Slept in until SEVEN!  I was so happy to see it was daylight when I woke up.  I almost never sleep past 6 so this is reason to be excited.  I have a super long to-do list for the weekend. Some of it will happen. Some not.  We call our to-do list "goals and aspirations" and there's a decent amount of carry over from week to week.  It happens.  Oh well.

Anyway, breakfast.  Heath went upstairs to ride (his bike is on a trainer in the bonus room) so I decided to get some stuff done before my workout.  The sound of the bike on the trainer reminds me of those things that people had at the World Cup several years back.  The things that sounded like a huge swarm of bees that were eventually banned because they were so loud and incredibly annoying. Pretty much that sound.  Not doing Pilates Extreme in the room with the bike and the noise and, well you get it.

I wanted to save my Shakeology until after my workout, so I had Greek Yogurt and granola.  This is a treat for me, I don't eat it that often.  It pretty much is like having dessert for breakfast because it's just so freaking good!

I can eat the Greek Yogurt, just not every day with my stomach deciding what it does and does not like so frequently.  I eat Oikos, mainly because I know it won't make my stomach hurt.  I've never tried other brands - no reason to risk angering the forces in my gut...

I portioned the granola and raisins.  Raisins, like any other dried fruit, are denser calories, so I counted it as a purple but it measured like this.

 And here you have a bowl of breakfast fabulousness!

One red, one yellow and one purple.  And filling.  And YUMMO!

While Heath rode his bike and ticked off the kids my making that kind of noise at 8AM, I decided to make what he has named goulash.  This is a recipe I got from Pinterest (seriously, I would like to hug the person who created Pinterest.  Just like I would like to hug whoever invented Cheerios.  Anyone who has ever had a toddler is feeling me on the LOVE I have for the inventor of Cheerios).  Anyway, goulash is super easy to make and pretty good.  Heath eats it up, and this is impressive considering the ingredients, or lack thereof.

You start with a pound of protein.  I use ground beef because it tastes like a treat when you eat so much chicken all the time.  Brown the ground beef, no oil or butter, but I do add onions.  Onions are like lettuce, nobody ever got fat eating them.

While that's cooking, chop up your veggies.  You can use anything.  I used red peppers, carrots and asparagus.  Four greens total - I had one green of red pepper, 1/2 a green of carrots and 1 1/2 greens of asparagus.

Once the meat is browned and drained, add these veggies.  Cook while you chop up tomatoes.  Four purples of tomatoes, which is about 5 tomatoes this size...

Add the chopped tomatoes and let it cook covered on low/medium low until it cooks down.  The tomatoes form a "sauce".  I add garlic powder, pepper and parsley.  I let it cook a while, as long as it's not on too high a heat it's fine.  Low maintenance = my kind of cooking!  When it's done it will look like this...

This is four 1 cup servings.  Each serving is one green, one purple and one red.  This was lunch before 6 hours at the soccer fields!

While this was cooking, I did Pilates Extreme.  I REALLY like this workout.  It's tough, not crazy tough, but tough.  I had not done Pilates in a long time and this whole routine is done with a resistance band. Loved it and I know I will feel it tomorrow.  Speaking of tomorrow, it's Lower Extreme and my quads still hurt SO MUCH from Plyo Extreme that I'm a little bit concerned.  I know, suck it up, Buttercup!!

Post workout I had Shakeology and spinach.  One red and one green.  I'm almost surprised how much I like this stuff.  I never thought that the words Chocolate and Vegan would go together so well.

Like I said, after lunch we went to the soccer tournament and were there for a while - two games with two hours in between the games.  Lots of time to get hungry.  Plenty of time to eat the grapes (1 purple) I brought for my snack.  And plenty of time for Heath to get super hungry, hungry enough to go to Chick-Fil-A and get a Chicken Sandwich Meal.  I got a Coke Zero (the one the size of a bathtub) and was pretty kinda ok until HE DUMPED THE FRIES OUT ON THE TRAY RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME.  I folded like a cheap beach chair.  I will confess that I ate 4 fries and THEY WERE FANTASTIC!  But I recovered.  I counted them as a carb and we will all put it behind us and move on.  After all, nobody wants to read a blog about someone who didn't eat a single french fry for 21 days.  AND THERE'S NO NEED TO POINT OUT THAT IT'S ONLY DAY THREE!!!  Ok, I feel better now.

Dinner was a full recovery dinner.  I would love to point out that Heath and our daughter ate chicken nachos and I lovingly prepared this awesomesauce salad.  It really was good.  I did measure it but didn't take pics of the process.  I was starving and there were nachos and, well, I'm sure you understand.  This salad is 2 greens, one of lettuce and one of the other veggies - red pepper, carrot, artichoke hearts, one red - chicken, one blue - avocado and one orange - dressing.  I counted a teaspoon of oil too because the artichoke hearts are jarred and in oil.  It was a fab as it looks...

I have one carb and three teaspoons left on the day.  After the french fry incident, I will probably call it a day.  Maybe just a Cherry Coke Zero for dessert :)

Oh, and I'm down 2 1/2 pounds as of this morning.  I'm certain this is all wine weight!!!

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