Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Welcome to my ramblings!

Welcome!  If you are looking for an honest, unfiltered account of a journey to better fitness, nutrition and overall wellness you are in the right place.  If you are looking to be critical or negative, this isn't for you! Am I where I want to be?  No.  Am I close?  Kinda.  But, I've been in that same place for A. Long. Time. Time to try something new, and that new thing is feeling like....accountability.

A little about me.  A self-proclaimed fitness junkie, I have been (happily) on a program or in the midst of training for something for about 10 years now.  I love it all - running, strength training, interval training, yoga (well, I'm starting to love yoga...I used to find it boring...must be a sign of aging!).  I work out.  A lot.  So why are my jeans tight??  Could it be the eating, drinking and being merry of the holidays extended into January?  Ok, February... Seriously, you've got me, March.  I am just back from Spring Break and officially 7 pounds heavier than I was in October.  This hurts!

Here's my "before" pics - taken today.

Obviously, I carry my weight around my middle.  I call it "smuggling an inner tube" and I'd like to reduce the size of said inner tube.  Or maybe, just maybe, find an ab or two.  Another favorite saying, which happens with my size 4 "I Have A Dream Jeans" is "busted can of biscuits."  You get the idea. It's NOT pretty!! I almost got rid of the jeans about a month ago, but I thought, with a little discipline, I can rock these jeans on my 40th birthday in October!!!  How's that for incentive??

So I've been working out and watching what I eat (well, mostly...two out of three meals a day on weekdays counts??)  but shooting myself in the foot with wine most nights for a while now.  What's changed?  I came across something on Pinterest that led to a post on Facebook that led to a conversation that led to me becoming a Coach with Team Beachbody.  What's Team Beachbody? Ever heard of P90X?  Insanity?  ChaLean Extreme?  T25?  Me too, I have done them all and still use the workouts frequently.  What I saw on Pinterest was the 21 Day Fix, which happens to be a new Beachbody program.  The post I saw showed color-coded containers and someone's personalized spreadsheet and, frankly, anything color-coded really appeals!!

Let's be clear - the purpose of this blog is NOT TO SELL ANYONE ON BEACHBODY!!!  I promise!  If you are a fan or want to try, great.  If not, great.  I became a Coach, primarily, to hold myself accountable to the lifestyle I am now representing.  It's funny, I actually hesitated about becoming a Coach because of the name Beachbody.  I don't have can I be on the Team?   My husband Heath, genius that he is, assured me that I could be a "one block off the beach" body and it's all good. Things like that are one of the many reasons we are 17 years and counting!

So this blog, initially, will be my experience with the 21 Day Fix Extreme.  I will be sharing my experience - the good, the bad and the ugly.  I hope you find my ramblings to be genuine, insightful and helpful on some level!

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