Monday, March 23, 2015

Day Five of the 21 Day Fix - Double Workout and Scrounge Dinner Day

It's Monday and Day 5 - how's that for a great combination?  It's working for me, but only because I got to run outside in the SUNSHINE at lunch time today.  This girl needs her SUNSHINE!  And, yes, I'm wearing a hat and have my sunscreen :)

This morning's workout was Cardio Fix Extreme.  It was cardio and it was extreme!  It reminded me somewhat of Insanity, with high-intensity moves mixed in with ones that are hard, but hey you can breathe.  I really liked this workout and will be super proud when I can do it all without modification. This is a bit of a lofty goal, seeing how the super ripped folks on the video were dying at times.  Hey, them gasping for air makes me feel better.

I am getting used to Autumn's style.  I know that "almost there" means there's about 10 seconds left so suck it up.  I also know that "heavy weight" is 8 pounds, which is not heavy in any other workout I've ever done.  One thing that I am missing with this program is someone on the videos who I can relate to.  All of the participants are about a decade younger than me, with the exception of the modifier.  Kudos to the modifier, cause she kicks butt, but...I am just not sure that I can have her be my "I'm in this with you" person.  Mainly because I don't want to be old...

Let me qualify that statement.  I have no idea how old this woman is, she's beautiful and, like I said, kicks butt, but I'm guessing she's older than me.  Ok, I'm hoping she's older than me.  Seriously, I'm desperate for her to be older than me.  Because everyone else in the video is mid 20's and I just have to believe that they have no idea what "your metabolism really starts to slow at 40" means.

Maybe it's because I'll be 40 this year??  Maybe.  Let's not linger on that.

Breakfast - post workout (helloooooo Cardio Fix Extreme at 5AM) - Chocolate Vegan Shakeology with spinach.  I know, every day.  But it's yummy and I like it and there you have it. One green and one red.

Morning snack - I was so hungry/excited to eat this that it was gone by 9:30AM.  I was so hungry/excited to eat it that I forgot to take a picture of it.  Oops.  But it was so yummy - mainly because when I read that hummus is a healthy fat I almost cried.  I LOVE hummus and today was the first time in a while I've had it.  Sabra Pine Nut hummus on a tortilla.  One blue and one yellow.  And some grapes - one purple.

So, since I failed to take a pic of my much longed-for hummus, I'll entertain you with this treasure...

Seriously, what's not to love about Pinterest??

I ran on my lunch break - outside by my office - 2 1/2 miles - in the SUNSHINE!!  Ok, so I know I may be a bit overzealous regarding the SUNSHINE, but when you are a Florida girl who ends up in Memphis where winter is months of overcast and rain/sleet/snow/combo of any of those, SUNSHINE in March is a big deal!

After running, I really wanted my shake that was slated for afternoon snack. Being the rebel that I am, I enjoyed this awesome combo at about 1:15.

One red and one teaspoon (for the PB2).  And Glutamine so my legs won't hate me for doing Cardio Fix Extreme and a run on the same day.

I (no kidding) did not feel hungry until about 3:30, which is great, since I have my "goulash" that was supposed to be lunch.  My boss cringed at this, but he really doesn't know what he's missing.  Maybe he's cringing that I'm eating it at my desk at 3:30?  Surely not, it's all good!

This is a 1 cup serving - so one green, one purple and one red.  YUMMO!!

Dinner tonight is the kids' favorite.  It's scrounge night, which means you can fix and eat pretty much whatever you want, provided it's not Ramen Noodles and a Dr. Pepper (yes, that's happened.  They are kids, they think Ramen Noodles are the bomb).  Why is this their favorite night?  Because they clean the kitchen.  On scrounge night, nobody uses a pot, pan or anything that requires hand washing. Heck, they may not use a plate to avoid putting something in the dishwasher.  Scrounge night happens when Heath is out of town, soccer and MMA (mixed martial arts) happen at the same time. Granted, soccer was cancelled because the girls played 4 games in the last two days, but scrounge night was already scheduled and cannot be unscheduled.

So what do I have on scrounge night?  I have remaining for the day - two greens, one purple, one red, two yellows, one orange and three teaspoons.  Oh my gosh the possibilities!

Well it turns out that scrounge night becomes pizza night when Heath gets back earlier than expected!  Not me, though...nope...I gleefully made and ate this fantastic salad.  Two greens, one red, one orange and one teaspoon.

And it was all great.  Until I realized he ordered thin crust BBQ chicken pizza.  And that is my very favorite pizza, mainly because it has so little cheese on it that I can actually eat it occasionally.  AND I had two yellows AND two teaspoons left!  So I had this for dessert!

I don't even feel that bad about it, since I had containers left.  Yes, I know that they are not meant for this, but let's all work together, shall we? I, unlike the girls in the video this morning, will not be entering a bikini competition anytime soon (or ever) so I feel A-OK using my remaining containers for this slice of fabulous!  And one slice was just what I needed :)

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