Sunday, March 22, 2015

Day Four of the 21 Day Fix - Sunday Soccer Day

Sundays on soccer tournament weekends can be long soccer days or short soccer days.  I want the girls to win, of course, but if they don't then it makes for a shorter day!  Today they played the semifinal this morning and the final this afternoon.  Lost the final, which is a bummer, but the girls played well and had fun and we had the added entertainment of the game behind us.  There was a father who made SUCH an idiot of himself by running his mouth, screaming at the ref and arguing EVERY CALL.  Ref tried to throw him out of the complex, he leaves the bleachers but is still on the sideline, running his mouth.  Finally the police officer who patrols in an overglorified golf cart appears... and the guy shuts up.  Bummer.  I really wanted to watch him be escorted out of the complex.  A lot.  Not only because he was being such a jerk, but because he's such a glowing example of sportsmanship to the U12 boys teams that were playing.  Fifth graders. Yeah, father of the year buddy.  Father of the year.

Anyway, this morning was Lower Fix Extreme.  I will admit, without shame, that I followed the modifier for the entire workout.  My quads are finally recovered and it's supposed to be SEVENTY degrees there tomorrow (YAY!!) and I want to run outside on my lunch break in the worst way. Going all out today would mean useless legs tomorrow, so modify I did!  And, it was still a good workout.  Upper and Lower days are also 10 Minute Hardcore days.  Heath joined me for the last three minutes, not because he's a slacker, but because that's when he finished his workout, and he agreed that it's legit.  After Pilates yesterday, I can REALLY feel my abs.  I like it!  I don't know what tomorrow's workout is and, frankly, I'm a little afraid to look!  It will be a 5AM surprise, when I'm already up and dressed and not willing to back out!

Post workout breakfast - Chocolate Vegan Shakeology and spinach.  The more I drink this stuff, the more I like it.  One red and one green.

We were at soccer from about 9AM until about 4PM, so I took my morning snack to the field. Blueberries = 1 purple.  The other parents were snacking on chips and sunflower seeds, but they were super jealous of my blueberries.  I could feel it!

Since we won the semifinal, we had about an hour and a half until the final.  As luck would have it, the soccer complex is 30 minutes from the house, so there's no coming home.  We decided to try a new place in Collierville called Box Seats.  Imagine a sports bar/restaurant but with a contemporary vibe and "fancy" bar food.  They have the normal stuff, like the soft pretzels the girls wanted to try (we brought a teammate with us).  I took a couple of small bites (had to taste them!) and deemed them ok, but not like the pretzels at the Flying Saucer.  Those are some amazing pretzels...but let's focus here.

I ordered the Mahi tacos.  Having just been in Florida and having eaten as much Mahi as I could hold, I will say that these are pretty good Mahi tacos.  They were served on corn tortillas (score! these are allowed!) and I opted out of the remoulade sauce.  Looked like this...

They were served on two corn tortillas each (why??) but I only ate one each.  That's 1 1/2 yellows, I counted my pretzel tastes as 1/2 a carb, plus one green and a red.  May be 1 1/2 reds, but it's fish so I'm not losing sleep over the exact measurement.  Lunch and back to the fields.

The parental snack of choice being passed around the bleachers during the finals was Reese's Pieces. Pretty much on of the best candies ever.  But, odd as it may be, it's easier for me to say no thanks to candy then it was for me to stare at that soft pretzel at lunch.  I'm not going to lie, I could have eaten an entire my pretzel myself.  But I didn't!  Minor victories!

Afternoon snack is Greek yogurt, granola and raisins.  I was pretty hungry and it's a while till dinner time.  This is filling and good and tastes like a treat!  One red, one yellow, one purple.

This is the good, the bad and the ugly and this evening was the first time I really wanted what I can't have.  We made a london broil for dinner, with sauteed onions and spinach and a salad (and rice for the kids).  It was good.  It would have been better with a glass of wine!  I didn't have one, but I may have if I had any carbs left (darn you soft pretzel bites!).

Anyway, dinner.  I love onions sauteed in a cast iron skillet.  Just a little olive oil and let 'em go. Soooo good!  I added spinach too, because I have it and I love it too.

About an 2 1/2 onions worth.

And spinach.  Just added a little pepper and let it cook down.  Speaking of cooking down, how does that much cook into this?

Never ceases to amaze me how much spinach just vanishes when you cook it.  Anyway, that and the london broil - I measured the  meat, not the onions and spinach.  Say it with me people, nobody every got fat eating onions and spinach!  Looks like about a green to a green and a quarter to me.

And this salad...

I counted the onions and spinach and salad as three greens, meat is one red and two teaspoons, one for the oil in the onions and spinach and the other for the artichokes in the salad (jarred in oil).

This leaves me with one healthy fat and two teaspoons for the day.  Not bad!  I did go over on my greens, but counted a purple as one.  I'll keep saying it - nobody got fat eating veggies!!  :)

I'm hopeful that tomorrow starts some easier days.  I realized this weekend how much I snack on the weekends.  Being at work with just the food I bring makes sticking to the program much easier than being at home with easy access to Doritos!  I'm already, on day 4, a little bit done with thinking and planning and spending so much mental energy on food.  BUT, the whole purpose is to reset habits and teach me how to portion and what to eat, so cheers (with imaginary wine!) to a mostly successful weekend!

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