Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Day Seven of the 21 Day Fix - You are AWESOME because...

It's Day Seven!!  One week of three is done!  I wish the scale shared my joy, but that's ok (ish), I'm sure the number will improve over the next two weeks.  It better!  Yeah, it's about how clothes fit and how I feel and all that...but it sure would be nice to see the number go down more than the ONE pound I feel is actual weight loss and can claim.

Anyway, before I entertain you with this morning's Yoga workout, let's talk about being AWESOME.

Do you have someone who inspires and encourages you?  I hope so!  I am fortunate to have a friend who does both for me and allows me to do the same for her.  She is on her own fitness and nutrition improvement journey (and doing a great job!) and we are at-work accountability buds.

A couple of months back, this friend gave me this book (and she has one too).

This is a whole (little) book of fill in the blank's of why you are AWESOME.  Here's an example of one page...

We leave these on each other's desks from time to time to remind each other how AWESOME we are!  It's such a pick me up on a bad day!  Or a funny on a good day.  Or when we are thankful to have a bud and accountability partner.  Here's one that she left under my keyboard...

Indentify someone you work with or see on a regular basis and be their source of AWESOME :)

So Yoga.  I really like Yoga a lot more than I used to, which translates into I will now do Yoga.  I don't like it because I'm not good at it.  I am the least flexible person I know (aside from Heath) and Yoga is typically a mix of "what pose?" and "yeah, right" for me.  But, the cool kids do Yoga and I want to be a cool kid!  I've been doing Yoga at the gym at work and, while I'm really NOT good at it, I can feel it's benefits.

So Yoga Fix Extreme - challenging but doable.  Not my best workout because I spent too much time trying to see the poses (hard to see the TV when you are facing the floor) and then gaping at the extreme modifier.  There were several options in this workout.  You can follow Autumn, who is doing the routine with some additional intensity on certain poses.  I followed the modifier, who did more basic versions.  And then there's the extreme modifier.  This guy, I kid you not, is the grown man version of Gumby.  He's like a human rubber band.  With big muscles. And, frankly, not difficult to look at either! I think at one point he balanced on his index finger...but I digress. Based on my limited Yoga experience, this is a good workout.  I recognized most of the poses from the previous videos I've done over the years (all of which I did exactly once) and could do some of them.  I could really feel my legs and glutes, but that's more likely from previous workouts.

Post workout breakfast was Chocolate Vegan Shakeology with spinach. Yummo as always.  One red and one green.

Morning snack was an apple at about 9:30.  No carbs because Wednesday is lunch out day.  I go to the gym at 4 on Wednesdays because my AWESOME employer lets us work out one day a week on company time.  One of my favorite perks.  So, a smaller morning snack because I knew I was having a bigger lunch.  One purple.

Lunch was a salad at Panera.  My favorite salad there is the Chicken Cobb with Avocado.  No cheese. So much goodness happening here.  Now, I forgot to bring my containers to work, so I couldn't measure my portions.  But, I'm getting pretty good at estimating them (which is the whole point, right?) and so I estimated my salad to be two greens, one red, one blue and one orange.  I forgot to ask for dressing on the side, so I may have had too much dressing.  Two eggs is one red, so one egg and the chicken together would be about a red.

I also counted one teaspoon, because this salad has some bacon in it :)  Bacon is pretty much my favorite food group and it did not disappoint today!  Bacon is probably not a teaspoon, since it's off the chart, but I had to count it as something.  So a teaspoon it is.  And, no, I didn't eat the bread that comes with!

No afternoon snack today, didn't need one after that fantastic salad.  Went the gym at 4 and, because it was another gorgeous day, ran outside.  I went 2 1/2 miles and the whole time I was thinking I have Plyo Extreme in the morning and it's going to hurt!  It's the good hurt!!

By the time dinner time came around, I was feeling a smidge guilty about my fantastic lunch salad.  I decided to really portion dinner and skip any carbs on the day.  Now, this may gross some people out, but I can make a salad out of most any protein.  So, I used leftover fish from last night and put it on my dinner salad.  Heath thinks it"s strange, so it's ok for you to think so too!!  Here's my dinner, portioned out as 2 greens, one red and a splash of dressing since I used my orange at lunch.  I counted the dressing as the rest of my teaspoons.

And here it is on a dinner plate...

More than enough food.  I actually didn't eat it all, didn't need to.

What I have left today is three yellows and one purple.  Technically, I had 5 greens and counted one as a purple.  But, like I say, nobody got fat eating lettuce :)

7 Days down!  14 to go!!

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