Friday, March 27, 2015

Day 9 of the 21 Day Fix - Here Comes the Hybrid!

Yay Friday!  It's Day 9 of my 21 Day Fix Extreme experience and I have to say that, while overall it has not been as hard as I thought it would be, today I am struggling a bit.  Not starving, but just hungry pretty much all day.  I haven't changed my routine or foods today, I'm wondering if it's from 4 consecutive double workout days??  Maybe? I feel like I'm getting plenty of food/calories.  I do find myself hungry on strength days versus cardio days.  Maybe that's it??

This morning was Upper Fix Extreme and 10 Minute Hardcore (abs).  I was thankful for Upper Fix - I needed to give my legs a break!  Again, I liked this workout more the second time around.  I knew what weights work for me (8's and 5's again) and what to expect.  Plus, between all the workouts this week and Hardcore this morning, I can feel my abs and obliques.  A lot.  Loving it  and shrinking that muffin top!

Breakfast was my usual Vegan Chocolate Shakeology and Spinach.  One red and one green.

Morning snack - same as yesterday - yogurt, granola and raisins.  I had this at about 9AM because I was hungry.  Not quite hangry, but not wanting to get there.

I didn't work out at lunch today.  I feel like I need a break after 4 days of two workouts a day.  Heath came and had lunch with me - we went to Zaxby's and to Lowe's for seeds for my Tower Garden.  It's time to plant my seedlings and get to growing.  Tower Garden is an aeroponic growing system made and sold by The Juice Plus Company, where I work.  More on what I'm growing later, but here's the info for those who may be curious -

Lunch was a cobb Zalad, since I was at Zaxby's it's a zalad, no cheese and none of the fried onions.  It was good. I wanted the bread but didn't eat it.  Actually, I wanted Heath's fries but didn't eat those either. Improvement from the french fry incident of last weekend!

I had honey mustard dressing.  I meant to bring my dressing from work and forgot and I hate their vinegarette.  I counted this as two greens, one red and one orange.

Had my typical afternoon snack of a shake.  Feeling hungry and a little over thinking about food, so I looked for some inspiration - found a few good ones - 

That made me laugh, since chocolate chips would have been good in my granola!

Spoiler Alert - If you are looking to read the blog of someone who followed the plan to the letter, stop reading!  If you are looking to read the experience of a real person, keep reading!  Because, as I was driving home, I was lamenting that I really want a steak for dinner.  And a glass of wine.  And I thought, why can't I?  After all, is this whole experience not about making sustainable lifestyle changes that will make me a healthier, fitter me?  Lifestyle change, NOT diet.  Diets are all about deprivation and ugh.  I don't live in a space of ugh.  

I know, I know.  I'm a spin doctor.  But are you with me?  I have yellows.  On the regular Fix, I can trade a yellow for a glass of wine.  On the Extreme, I can't.  BUT...

1.  I am not training for a bikini competition.
2.  I am not delusional enough to think I will wear a bikini, even after completing the 21 Day Fix Extreme and any other subsequent program.
3.  I read a headline (not the article, the headline was enough!) that said a glass of red wine is healthy, and the equivalent of an hour at the gym.

Now, I don't believe that a glass of red wine is the equivalent of an hour at the gym.  But, I do know that it's REALLY REALLY GOOD ON A FRIDAY NIGHT!!!!  

SOOOOOOOOO - I traded my yellow and it was MAGNIFICENT :)

Malbec.  At the perfect temperature.  Opened to breathe prior to my arrival from work (thanks, Heath!).  Just awesome!

I feel a tiny bit bad about it.  But I can get over that pretty quickly.  Really.  And, if we are friends, you are with me :)

So, dinner.  I did not fall off the wagon and eat something like loaded cheese fries.  I did have steak, filet and sauteed spinach.  And it was amazing.  One red, one green.  

Happy Friday to you!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! It's funny, I got an email notification about your comment and I had not thought about this blog in ages. Glad you are enjoying it and hope you enjoy your 21 Day Fix experience!
