Thursday, March 19, 2015

Day One of the 21 Day Fix Extreme - Starting Strong!

Day 1 of 21!  As promised, each day will be my account of how I'm feeling, doing, staying motivated.  I'll post what I'm eating, if I'm starving and what the workout is like.  This post is LONG, but I wanted to include pics and explanations.  Subsequent days will be shorter, mainly because I eat a lot of the same stuff.

Like I said before, I'm doing the workouts at 5AM.  I've done this before, but it does take some time to get back into the habit of getting up and sweating SO VERY EARLY.  In my house, we have a saying that you will do something "with glee".  I will say to the kids, you will eat those green beans/unload the dishwasher/whatever and you will do it with glee!  They are 14 and 11, so you can imaging the amount of eye-rolling that this statement generates.  I may never reach a place of glee at 5AM, but I'm in it to win it (or find an ab, maybe two).

This morning's workout was Plyo Extreme.  If you have ever done or seen P90X, you know what Plyo is.  If not, it is basically jump training.  Imagine imagine jump squats...and to get to Plyo Extreme imagine jump squats holding weights.  Yeah, seriously.  At the beginning, Autumn says to pick two weights, a "light" and a "heavy".  I try to gauge what she has and go with an 8 lb and a 12 lb. First exercise is jump squats with your heavy.  Two squats in I'm using the 8's and getting 5's to be my light.

I love a good workout and this one did not disappoint.  But Oh My Gosh it was really hard!  30 minutes was PLENTY long enough!  Jump squats, lunges, burpees, floor abs.  Yeah, at one point I had to stop and breath deeply for a few until the nausea passed.  Now that's a GOOD WORKOUT!!!

So on to food.  My lesson learned is to eat a carb with my morning snack or lunch.  Why?  Because I was almost hangry by the time I had lunch...

I'm using this handy chart (stolen from Pinterest) to track my servings.  There is a chart for each calorie range and, hello, it's color coded which makes it more fun.  I printed this with four to a page, so it's small enough for me to have in my purse.

Breakfast - Chocolate Vegan Shakeology and Spinach (one red and one green).  Yummo.  Honest, I really like it A LOT.  But, full disclosure, I've not had a milkshake (darn you lactose) in soooo long that most shakes are yummo to me.  I had my shake at about 6:15AM.

I'm also including my supplements.  Nothing major here, but wanted to include since I'm in a full-share place with what I'm consuming.

It's a lot.  You should see the pile of pills I take.  I take them all in the morning, because I'm in the habit of taking them all with my shake.  What is this stuff?

From left to right - Juice Plus Orchard, Garden and Vineyard.  I work for Juice Plus in the corporate office, and I 100% believe it's a great product.  And I get it free as an employee.  YAY!

Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc with D- since I can't drink milk, I take this.  Pretty straightforward.

BCAA - Branch Chain Amino Acids - I've been on these a couple of months.  In a nutshell, the idea is that they help you build muscle tissue faster while reducing cortisol (which makes you store fat).

Fish Oil - For the Omega 3's, which are supposed to help my cholesterol.  I have to take these forever because Lucy, my lab, has one wrapped in cheese every morning to help with her dry skin.  Lucy would be devastated without her morning Fish Oil and cheese, so the Fish Oil is here to stay.  The minute the bottles come out, Lucy is there sitting and drooling.

Vitamin D - this was recommended because I get cramps in my feet all the time.  Like daily.  Like my feet will cramp in my shoes with some frequency.  I've had arch cramps that take 20 minutes to let up.  And, yes, I've had my blood drawn and tested for all kinds of deficiencies and it's a bit of a mystery.  So, I take the D because, why not.  I also take CoQ10, also recommended for the cramps, but I'm out until my next trip to CostCo.

I also take Probiotics, but I forgot them in the photo.

Geez that's a lot of supplements when you spell it all out.  But all over the counter, and that's how I want to keep it!

Morning Snack was at about 10AM.  Purple grapes.  I'm on quite the purple grape kick right now. They just taste fantastic for some reason!!  One purple container.

Not a bad amount of grapes.  More than I thought would fit in the container.

I went to the gym at about 12:20 for a 12:30 yoga class.  No class today so I ran on the treadmill.  3 miles, shower and back to my desk for lunch at about 1:15.  I was pretty much hangry...should have had a carb with my grapes.

Lunch was salad - lettuce & spinach, chicken, red peppers, carrots, artichoke hearts.  It was two greens (one of the greens in measured in a blue, they are the same size), one red, one orange (dressing) and one oil tsp (the artichokes are marinated/jarred, so I counted an oil for them).  Now, my dressing is not an Extreme Approved dressing.  I'm ok with that because it's a Balsamic and I LIKE IT.  It's my favorite dressing so I'm having it!

Here's the portions in containers...

And in one container at lunch time...

It was REALLY GOOD and I could have eaten TWICE AS MUCH!  Lesson learned - don't get hangry!  After 10 minutes or so, I was all good.  For a while until...yay afternoon snack!!

Afternoon Snack - about 3:30 - Shake made with Orgain Chocolate, PB2 and Glutamine.  One red, one nut butter (tsp).  What's Glutamine?  It's a tasteless supplement that helps muscles recover faster. Really.  Stuff works.  I'm not as sore as long as I typically would be.  What's Orgain? It's another plant-based protein powder.  I like it and will use it up, then I'll do Shakeology instead.  I keep a shaker at my desk so this was easy to mix with water.

By the time dinner came, I was ready for a carb.  Lucky me, Heath had defrosted some of my homemade gumbo.  Soccer was cancelled (fields have not recovered from weeks of rain/ice/snow) so dinner was at about 6, which sure beats 9PM.  We usually have gumbo over white rice.  I did long grain and it was just as good.  Because it's all mixed up and hard to portion, I filled one green and one red with gumbo and one yellow with rice.  I also counted one oil tsp, because the roux is made with olive oil.  It was a very filling portion!

As of now, I have remaining...2 fruits, 2 carbs, 1 healthy fat and 1 nut butter/oil.  That's a lot left over. Knowing this, I will add a carb to my morning snack.  But I'm not hungry.  Honestly I'm not.  The real miracle of the day is that I drank nothing but water.  All day.  Not one Diet Coke!  This is impressive for me!  I'd like to say that I'll go 21 days without Diet Coke, but I won't and I'm not going to pretend that will happen.  And, yes, I know that Diet Coke is the devil and full of chemicals and blah blah.  I like it.  It's a freebie.  It's not really open for discussion!!

It's about 7:45 and the NCAA tournament is one.  I don't anticipate eating anything else.  If I do, it will be a fruit and maybe a carb.  Or perhaps a Diet Coke :)

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