Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Day Six of the 21 Day Fix - Dirty 30!

I got up this morning ready for Yoga.  I really thought it was Yoga day and was mentally prepared for Yoga.  Nope.  Something called the Dirty 30.  And, guess what?  FAVORITE workout so far.  This workout is moves that use multiple muscle groups at the same time and with weights.  Again, light and heavy weights.  I picked 5's and 8's again - I have learned my lesson!  The weight was enough and it was a great workout!  Now I can look forward to Yoga tomorrow!!

I had my typical breakfast - Chocolate Vegan Shakeology and spinach - one red and one green.  It occurred to me that people may be interested in know how much spinach is one green worth in a shake, so here you go!

It looks like a lot in the NutriBullet cup, but I'm telling you that bad boy pulverizes this fabulously - no chunks, no grit.  It goes in stems and all!

I got my NutriBullet for Christmas and love it - I use it every day.  And I'm not just saying that because I'm getting kickbacks or something.  Although, that would be great.  Anyone from NutriBullet reading this, I could really use another big cup!  Thanks!!

Actually, most of my meals today are a repeat of yesterday.  Just easier that way when I'm bringing my food to work.  I did take a pic of my morning snack today since I got so excited I ate it prior to picture yesterday.  Here it is - tortilla with hummus and grapes.

That amount of hummus is half a blue.  I'm saving my other half of blue for avocado with dinner.  (LOVE avocado, more on that later).  This snack is one yellow, one half blue and one purple.  Yes, I know it's not a corn tortilla, but I like these better - two corn tortillas = one yellow so I figure one flour tortilla can equal the same.

Today's lunch workout was a FitStar workout called Strata 26.2.  If you don't have FitStar, I highly recommend it.  It's a great (FREE) app that has tons of workouts ranging in time and type that you can do almost anywhere.  Again, not getting kickbacks from FitStar, but would sure like some! Anyway, I have the paid version (Black Friday Deal) but the free version has tons of stuff too.  My Tuesday workout is this Strata 26.2, which is a strength routine that is designed for runners.  Hence the 26.2.  And it's 26.2 minutes long.  How clever of them :)

Post lunch time workout I had my afternoon shake.  I'm finding this is working - having my shake at lunch and having my lunch at 3:00.  I think it's due to getting up so early and doing double workouts. I've increased the size of the morning snack, so I'm not as hungry post lunch workout.  At any rate, it's working so I'm sticking with it.  So lunch was this:

One red, one teaspoon.  So yummy and I'm good to go till 3!  Actually, today, I wasn't that hungry, but I ate at 3:00 because I knew if I skipped it I would be starving when I got home at 5:30.  And that leads to bad choices, namely Doritos.  NO DORITOS FOR YOU!  (Who remembers the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld??)  So, at 3:00 I had the rest of the "goulash" that I made over the weekend...

One red, one green and one purple.  And a Coke Zero in the cutest aluminum bottle.

A friend brought this for me today because she "saw it and knew I'd just love it". How nice is that?  It was awesome with my "goulash"  and made for a nice afternoon pick-me-up!

Dinner is tilapia.  I grew up in Florida, where I went to the fish market and bought what came off the boat that morning.  Here in Tennessee, I buy tilapia at CostCo, which is tragic.  But we must make do.

This dinner actually turned out to be pretty epic.  I measured the portions and I was shocked by what went on my plate.  I had tilapia (there was more for Heath and the kids, this one didn't have any "extras" on it...and leftovers for a future meal are a bonus.

Cooked in a little olive oil, seasoned with pepper and Tony's.  I had this with brown rice, black beans, tomatoes and avocado.  I did measure the the black beans, but didn't photograph it because I had measured the rice too.  My family is only so patient!

I didn't realize until after dinner that I had used 1/2 of my blue earlier today and only should have used 1/2 tonight.  Whoopsie.  I don't know that I could have eaten half the avocado anyway...it's a favorite and, like the hummus, I wanted to cry when I saw it was a blue.  There are a lot of my favorite things that are blue...I'm beginning to think this is part of my problem in not losing weight? Maybe! Anyway, all of these portions came together to form this ABSOLUTELY TREMENDOUS DINNER!!

It was so good.  And filling.  And really felt like a LOT of food - it was a LOT of food.  This meal was two yellows, one red, one blue, one purple and one teaspoon (the fish did have some olive oil on it for cooking).  So, I end the day with two greens (that's a first!), my orange and two teaspoons.

Tomorrow is Day Seven!  That makes one week down!  Tomorrow will be AWESOME and I'll be talking about some little things that make life and experiences just that much more AWESOME!  

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