Sunday, March 29, 2015

Day Eleven of the 21 Day Fix - Halfway!!

It's Day 11 - I'm half way through my 21 Day Fix.  I got on the scale this morning and am up a pound from yesterday.  This is not a shock - I had wine Friday and Saturday and too many yellows on Saturday.  I'm down 2 pounds from where I started.  I'm not impressed by this number, but can say that I feel some difference in my jeans.  I have to keep telling myself that the scale is not always the best indicator.

Today I am back on track!  I did NOT like adding all those extra yellow checks yesterday!  And, true story, I can feel that I ate stuff I shouldn't yesterday.  It's all good, though.  If I didn't screw up, I wouldn't have the opportunity to realize that I really do feel different when I cheat on the nutrition. This doesn't mean I'm going to eat perfectly forever - I probably won't eat perfectly for the next 10 days!  But, a good reminder all the same.

This morning was Lower Fix Extreme and 10 Min Hardcore.  I've learned that, with this workout, I use 10's on the squats and 8's on the lunges.  I do the jump portion on the squats, but not the jump lunges.  For some reason, jump lunges hurt my knees.  So I don't do them.  I do low pulse lunges instead.  My legs were dying by the end, so it seems effective!  10 Min Hardcore.  That last move gets me every time.  The one where you are in high plank and extending one arm out perpendicular to your body and then reaching under to the other side.  If I can get to where I can do this move for the whole minute, I will feel 21 Day Fix ACCOMPLISHED!!

Breakfast post workout - Chocolate Vegan Shakeology and spinach.  One red and one green.

I kind of combined morning snack and lunch - it just worked out that way.  Had errands to run and wasn't going to the grocery store hungry.  Made eggs again, scrambled this time.  This is one of my all time favorite meals and so very easy.  Heath and I made a pan and split it.  This is eggs, some grilled chicken, onion, red pepper and spinach.  One green, one red, one teaspoon.

This held me until about 2:00.  I made goulash (recipe on Day 3) so I'd be prepped for the week.  It's a crazy week, with three soccer games, two days of MMA for my son and Heath and I taking a shooting class on Thursday night.  (Yes, I said shooting.  As in concealed carry, this is an intermediate class.)  I don't want to get caught without good food options, making goulash will provide dinner in a pinch if needed.  I also made chocolate chip pancakes for my daughter.  Two batches.  I wrap them individually in press and seal and freeze them.  Pop them in the microwave and she's got breakfast during the week.  Way more cost-effective than Eggos!

I had yogurt, granola and raisins for my afternoon snack.  Love this stuff.   One red, one yellow, one purple.

Basketball is on again this afternoon and evening, but I'm on track and my dinner is planned.  We are having "beer can" chicken and salad.  And the SUN is out (hooray after yesterday's SNOW). Watching the game with friends on their patio.  That's a great Sunday afternoon!!

I made salad to have with our chicken.  While I was making the salad, I had a snack of blueberries and strawberries.  One purple.

Here's what it looked like in a standard cereal bowl...

Here's dinner - salad with the chicken and a little bit of pasta salad.  Two greens, one purple, one red, one orange and one yellow.

Gorgeous evening.  Was hoping for a Gonzaga upset, but oh well.  I end the day today with one yellow, one blue and two teaspoons remaining.  Overall, a good day.  Happy to be back on track!!

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