Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Day Fourteen of the 21 Day Fix Extreme - Yoga with Lucy

Happy April 1st!  I'm not a fan of April Fools Day, so there will be no April Fools-ing in this post!

Lucy, my Lab, is a huge fan of the 21 Day Fix Extreme.  She's such a huge fan that she has learned my new routing and was sweet enough to come get me at 4;57 this morning - three minutes early! Such a good dog :)

So this morning was Yoga with Lucy.  Yoga was better this week.  I still can't do half the poses, ok most of the poses, like they do on the video but at least I can follow along since I know what is coming.  It is definitely a welcome break the day before Plyo Extreme.  Lucy waited patiently until the last move, which is our best move.  Here we are...

Post workout breakfast was my standard Chocolate Vegan Shakeology and spinach (one red and one green) and morning snack at work was my favorite yogurt, granola and raisins (one red, one yellow and one purple).  

Wednesdays are my lunch out days and today I went to Chili's with some friends.  I forgot to photograph my lunch (such a slacker!!) but I did snag the description and pic off the online menu. (All credit to Chili's, blah blah blah the pic is out there so don't be upset that I stole it.)

I personally find it hard to believe that this is only 410 calories.  It's red meat and filling and generally a great break from my normal lunch fare.  Today was no different.  It was GOOD and one green, one red and one blue.  I counted a teaspoon too because I'm not sure what the tomatoes were cooked in.  

I went to the gym this afternoon at 4 - it's my workout day (thanks Juice Plus!  Love my job!) I really was in the mood to run, so I ran.  4 miles at an easy pace and honestly I planned the entire time I was running to have wine when I got home.  I actually ran 4 miles because that's right about 400 calories and enough for two glasses of wine!!

Heath and the kids wanted to go out to eat.  Our planned stuff for the evening was cancelled and it turned in a rare we have nothing we have to do night.  We went to a local place called Brendalay - support local small businesses!!  Lots of yummy looking not so much 21 Day Fix approved stuff on the menu.  I went for the salmon salad.  It was really, really good.  Not completely program approved but reasonably close.

I ate most of it, not all.  Ate around the parm cheese.  It did have croutons and, yes, I ate them!  And they were good!  I also at some of my son's fries.  Fries are my biggest weakness.  I LOVE fries.  I didn't order my own so it isn't as bad, right??  Ha.  Plus I ran 4 miles and didn't have any wine :)

Anyway, I counted this meal as two greens, two reds, two yellows (fries!) and one orange.  I also counted my remaining three teaspoons because I'm not sure what the fish was cooked in.  That ends my day with two purples remaining.  Not too bad considering I ate out for lunch and dinner.

Tomorrow starts my 7 day countdown to the finish!

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