Monday, April 6, 2015

Day Nineteen of the 21 Day Fix Extreme - Meh Monday

I could not get out of bed at 5AM today.  Could not.  It was raining and kinda cold and, well, I had 4 glasses of wine Sunday so maybe that had something to do with it...maybe.

But, when I did get up and weighed I am down 4 pounds from where I started!!  SO EXCITED!  I really wanted to lose 5 in the 21 days and I may just squeak it out after all.

Breakfast was standard - Chocolate Vegan Shakeology and spinach.  Let me tell you, my dehydrated cells sucked this up like rain in a drought.  I could almost feel it absorbing.  I could have had two shake's worth, it made me feel that much better.  Of course, a better plan would be to NOT drink 4 glasses of wine, but let's not linger on the past.

Morning snack was yogurt, granola and raisins.  Love this snack.  It's so good and so filling.  And such a treat!  One red, one yellow and one purple.

I skipped my lunch workout today because I had brought just salad for lunch and I was hungry enough to want some protein with it.  I went to Chick Fil A and got their grilled nuggets.  These are basically their grilled chicken cut up into pieces, but yummy none the less.  I added this chicken to my awesome salad.

This salad is three greens.  Two greens worth of lettuce (my fav CostCo mix that I mentioned the other day) and a third green's worth of peppers and carrots.  One red for my chicken and one orange for the dressing.  That's most of my greens for the day but, say it with me people, nobody ever got fat eating veggies!!

I did my workout when I got home from work.  Like the second I got home before my pajamas found me and changed my mind.  Cardio Fix Extreme.  This is a tough workout.  Any workout that has you doing jumping jacks with weights is tough.  And 10 Minute Hardcore.  I didn't do Hardcore yesterday, so I wanted to make sure I did it today.

Post workout dinner - SO hungry!!  Heath made spaghetti sauce and then realized we only had bowtie pasta, which works for me.  I measured and photographed this so you can see how reasonable the portions really are.

Small in the container, but it is a reasonable portion on the plate.  Here it is with sauce. One yellow, one red and one purple.

I ate this and could have eating another serving the same size.  I'm giving myself the chance to decide if I'm hungry or if my brain and stomach need to sync.  If I'm hungry later, I have a purple, a yellow and a blue left.  Plus all of my teaspoons.

Two days left!!

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