Thursday, April 2, 2015

Day 15 of the 21 Day Fix Extreme - 3rd Time's a Charm

It's Thursday!  Which means it's almost Friday!  It also means I started my final week of the 21 Day Fix Extreme this morning!

Plyo Fix Extreme.  I finally have this routine down to make it work well for me.  Weights?  Still 8's and 5's.  Plyo?  On everything that's a squat.  Not so much on lunges, but using the heavier weights. This is still a tough workout but I can go up and down the stairs at work without wanting to cry!!

Had my typical breakfast - Vegan Chocolate Shakeology and spinach.  One red and one green.

Morning snack was fruit - strawberries and blueberries.  One purple.

For lunch I made a salad.  I buy this salad mix at CostCo and just love it.  (It comes with a dressing packet, but I don't use it.)  It's delish and pre-cut and mixed.  Just dump in a container, add extras and I'm done.

It has kale and sprouts and all kind of good stuff in it.  One of my favorite parts is the dried cranberries.  Yum.  I measured out two greens of salad and added red peppers, carrots, artichoke hearts and chicken.

Here's how it looked all put together...

This was three greens, one red, one purple (cranberries) and one orange for the dressing.  I know, three greens is all my remaining for the day, but I'll keep saying it - nobody gets fat eating lettuce!!

My afternoon snack was my shake with PB2.  It's really a treat since it's chocolate and peanut butter. So good at 3:00.

Dinner is goulash that I heated up.  Heath and I have a handgun class tonight so I won't be able to make anything for dinner.  But, this is why I make stuff like goulash ahead of time - so I don't make bad drive-thru choices on the way home :)

Goulash is one green, one red and one purple.  That leaves me with all three yellows, a blue and two teaspoons.  And I went over by one green.  Not bad!

Tomorrow is TGIF!  Hooray!!

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