Sunday, April 5, 2015

Days Seventeen of the 21 Day Fix - Basketball Saturday

Happy Easter!

Yesterday was busy and ended late with Kentucky losing to Wisconsin, so I'm late posting!

Day Seventeen - I am discouraged but telling myself not to be.  The scale is up a pound and a half - and was only down 3 pounds on my best day since I started.  But - here's my reality check...

1.  Three weeks is a perfect amount of time to reset and correct bad habits.  Generally speaking, it takes longer to see significant results.
2.  I have cheated with some foods and some alcohol.  Not tons, but I have.
3.  The program says you can lose up to 15 pounds - but I don't have 15 pounds to lose (thankful!) so I can't expect to lose more than 5 or so in the 21 days.
4.  Overshare Alert - it's period week.  The scale is NEVER my friend during period week!

So - Saturday - I was really good all day because I knew there would be beer and basketball in the evening.  Morning workout - Pilates.  This is a great Saturday workout because it's a lot of abs, which gives my legs a break.

Post workout breakfast - Chocolate Vegan Shakeology and Spinach.  One red and one green. I cannot say how much I love this stuff.  I'll post about it after the Fix is done.

I had lunch early because I went to vote (Lakeland School Bond vote) and then had the natural blonde put back into my hair at 1:00.  Lunch was eggs and sauteed veggies.  This is a Saturday favorite.  Love it.  One red and one green.

After my highlight appointment (natural blonde), I had my afternoon snack - yogurt, granola and raisins.  One red, one yellow and one purple.

We went to a friend's house to watch the basketball games.  They have an awesome outdoor set up with a fireplace.  It was just cold enough for a fire but not too cold to be outside.  We took steaks. And beer.  My problem with beer is that I like it.  I drink really light beer when it's hot outside.  But when it's cold, I love the dark, heavier beer.  Like Sam Adams Chocolate Bock and Shafly Coffee Stout.  Both of which I had.  So good.  And not likely light in calories like my summer stand-by Miller 64.

Anyway, dinner was steak (YUM) and potato salad (also YUM).  I don't eat potato salad very often, and it was good.  Kept it simple, eating outside watching the game, plus didn't need any more food with the beer.  I forgot to photograph my plate, so here's my friend's plate part way through - close enough since we had the same thing.

I'm counting this as a red, a yellow and two teaspoons.  I read the ingredients on the potato salad and it's the mustard based one, so two teaspoons seems enough.

I ended Saturday with one green, two purples, one blue, one orange and two teaspoons.  I subbed all of those for beer :)  LOL, really, I'm over on my yellows by three today.

Happy Easter Sunday!

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