Friday, April 24, 2015

Two Weeks Out - Missing the 21 Day Fix and Trying to Love PiYo

It's been about two weeks since I "finished" the 21 Day Fix Extreme.  I say "finished" because, for most folks, fitness and better nutrition (and, obviously, weight loss) is an ongoing journey and never quite a destination.  I've continued to follow the principles of the program, but not like I was.  And I miss it!  How strange!?  But a good thing!

I was in Sacramento for 6 days last week for a work conference.  It's a ton of fun and a ton of work. I work Registration and Customer Service - pretty much anyone who is registering on site or has an issue.  Yep, I am the "problem line" and was witty and charming for hours on end :)  But, like I said, also a lot of fun.  Great example - the inflatable rock wall.  Imagine a bounce house rock wall - this was everything you dreamed it could be.  This was at our Saturday night end of conference party and I climbed it twice.  Once completely sober.  Once not as much.  Hey, corporate folks get drink tickets.  Don't judge!!

This is what it looks like.  That's me getting all harnessed up and ready to climb.  The best part about this deal was that, because it's inflatable, you kind of sink into the green part.  I'm 5'2" and the lowest foot hold was at about my eye level and the lowest hand hold was at about three inches out of reach. It was a very graceful run, bounce, guy in the blue shirt pull on the rope so I can grab the hold move. Didn't get it on my first try.  I'm sure it was even more fantastic when I climbed again three hours and 4 drink tickets later.  Anyway, once I got going it was easy

And here I am at the top!

I have a video (that my boss took ) of my second climb.  It's a watch it once and never again deal!!

Anyway, I did well on my food (aside from one incident involving the most amazing fries ever), not well on wine and marginal at best on exercise.  I walked a TON and did manage to get my plank challenge done (more on that in a later post) but only managed one actual hotel room workout.  The lack of workout and not well on wine went hand and hand, but you already put those dots together...

So, since I've been back I have started a hybrid workout that I created with PiYo (another Beachbody program, combination of Pilates and Yoga and no, my review will not be skewed because I'm a Beachbody Coach!), the 21 Day Fix Extreme workouts and my normal running/at work workouts.  I started PiYo because, as a runner, I'm tight and the best thing you can do is strengthen and stretch, right?...  I've been doing PiYo for a week and desperately want to love's why I don't...

1.  I'm not good at it.  Doing yoga poses when you are as inflexible as I am sucks.  And doesn't really feel like a workout because I spend so much time trying to see what I'm supposed to be doing and realizing I cannot make my body fold in half.

2.  It's not hard enough a workout to make me want to get up at 5AM.  Ok, I know that sounds backwards.  First because it is a hard workout and second because it takes a hard workout to get me out of bed that early.  But, hear me out.  If I'm going to get up at 5AM, it will be with purpose.  I want to work hard enough that when I get to the shower later I can taste the salt when the water hits my hair (gross, but true).  I want that sick I may just keel over feeling that Insanity (another Beachbody program) gives me.  PiYo, while hard, does not leave me with that "I just really worked my ass off" feeling that I like so much.

3.  I'm not good at it.  I know, we've already been here.  But, I like a workout I can conquer.  The 21 Day Fix Extreme workouts are super challenging but I feel accomplished, even when I can't keep up. PiYo is going to be a challenge for me but a different challenge.  I'm not going to give it up, I just can't have it be my primary workout. Maybe I will grow to love it.  We will see!

So I'm going back to a primary workout of 21 Day Fix Extreme routines.  There are two days, one of Pilates and one of Yoga, that I will do the PiYo workouts instead.  And I'll do them as a secondary workout on the days when I have more time.  I'm not giving up on the program.  Improving my flexibility and core strength is very important, especially when I start marathon training this summer.  My goal is to be good enough at PiYo to make it my primary early morning workout by July.  Seems reasonable to me!

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