Friday, May 15, 2015

Back on the Wagon with a PiYo/Chalean Hybrid

It's been a couple of weeks and I'm happy to report that I am starting my PiYo/Chalean Extreme hybrid on Monday!  I haven't been a TOTAL slacker the last couple of weeks.  I was benched from doing anything involving legs/cardio for about a week.  According to my doctor, two weeks.  But I've already established that I'm not the most compliant of folks and therefore released myself (with the blessing of the company doc who I ran into at the gym) a week early.  So I've been doing a lot of upper body/walking/pouting and am ready to have my structured routine back on Monday.  My stitches come out on Tuesday, so as far as my dermatologist knows it's only one little day early! (Side note - be vigilant about your sunscreen starting TODAY regardless of your age!  I didn't and now I'm spending enough time at the derm's office that I asked about a punch three procedures, get one free??).

Anyway, I've struggled with loving PiYo, so I decided to do a hybrid with a program I do love but haven't done in a long time.  Chalean Extreme is very much a strength-focused program, which goes nicely with the PiYo and my running.  Doing a hybrid will make me far more likely to stick it out over the next 8 weeks.  I'll be updating my progress along the way and giving my honest assessment of the routines. I'm going to continue to use the 21 Day Fix Extreme nutrition plan because I like it so much and it has really become my routine.  AND I'm happy to report that I've not gained any weight back since I "finished" the 21 Day Fix :)

I got my hybrid from Pinterest and appears to be a good blend of both programs.  Most days are two workouts a day, which is fine now because I won't really ramp up my running until mid to late summer.  And, the kids are out of school next week (can I get a woo hoo!!!) and that give me more time in the mornings for longer workouts.

In the meantime, I've been growing yummy goodness in my Tower Garden and it's really taken off. I'm fortunate to work for Juice Plus, who sells Tower Garden, and love growing my own veggies. I have two and they look like this...

This was on April 12th. Each port holds a plant and water and nutrients are pumped up to the top from the reservoir to "rain" on the roots.

I started my seeds under grow lights in my garage because it was absurdly cold here pretty late in the season.  The lights are designed to be used with the Tower but that would require a husband who is ok with growing indoors and I don't have one of those!  But, the lights work great in the garage for starting seedlings...

Heres's a close up of my squash on the 12th.

April 28th

May 5th - that same squash plant is the one on the right in the middle.

May 10

I harvested lettuce (on the far Tower near the top) on that same day.  YUM!!!

These pics are from May 13th.  My little squash has come a long way!

And zucchini

I also have tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, cantaloupe. cilantro, mint, basil, parsley and green beans. SO MUCH YUM!!!  I love summer and this is one of the reasons why!  

Anyway, I'll be updating at least weekly on my hybrid and my progress.  I hopeful to lose another 5 pounds or so and improve my core strength and flexibility, which will also improve my running. Bring it!!

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