Friday, April 3, 2015

Day Sixteen of the 21 Day Fix Extreme - Step Away from the Wheat Thins!

Day 16!  Today was a LONG day!  Late night last night, early morning this morning.  So very glad tomorrow is Saturday.  My daughter has a friend staying the night and I have adopted another friend's mantra on sleepovers - don't keep me up, don't wake me up.  As long as they follow those two rules, we will all have a good night :)

This morning was Upper Fix Extreme and 10 Minute Hardcore.  I was thankful for upper today - I was not up for something like Plyo today!  I have learned this workout and can modify some moves to make them harder, some moves I keep with the program of 30 seconds with your heavy weights and 30 seconds with your light weights.  Exercises like biceps, I use the heavy weight for the full minute. And it's still not a heavy weight - we are talking 8's and 5's.

Post workout breakfast was Chocolate Vegan Shakeology and spinach.  One red and one green.

I got to work late because I had a dentist appointment and make the unfortunate decision to work through my lunch hour.  This always seems like a good idea until about 3PM, when I would give my left arm for the day to be over!

About 10:30 I was hungry, so I found the Clif bar that I had taken from Heath's stash.  I am out of my typical snacks and the bar was easy.  I don't want to eat a lot of these because they are pretty high in calories.  I had never had a Chocolate Brownie Clif Bar, but I'm telling you that if Clif Bars want to give me a kickback for mentioning them oh my gosh please send me a year's supply of these! This bar was absolutely off the YUM chart.  Granted, I've not had a candy bar in a while, so maybe I'm skewed.  But I really don't think so.  This thing was GOOD!!!  Like amazing.  Like do I need to run more so I can eat these delish.  I wasn't sure how to count it, but one red and one yellow seems about right.  Hope so.

Lunch was salad and goulash.  Same salad as yesterday, but right out of the package without the extras. One and a half greens.  Goulash is one green, one red and one purple.

I didn't have an afternoon snack and was fine with it until I had to stop by the grocery store on the way home.  The grocery store at 5:30 on a Friday is never a good idea.  EVER.  I got what I needed and...a box of Wheat Thins.  I had an entire conversation with myself regarding these Wheat Thins. And then I put them in the trunk so I wouldn't eat the whole box between the store and my house. True story.

When I got home I had Wheat Thins and hummus.  STARVING.  Like didn't take a picture starving.  Like should have had a snack so I wouldn't get so hungry starving.  Like an Abita Turbo Dog beer with my Wheat Thins and hummus was a good idea starving.  I will say, I highly recommend the Abita Turbo Dog :)

Anyway...there was a dinner plan.  Nachos for the kids and taco salads for Heath and I.  I had reserved my blue for avocado on this salad.  That was before the hummus.  Now, I didn't eat a blue's worth of hummus, but probably 1/3 a blue.  And I still had my avocado too!

This is one green, 1/2 purple, two reds (one for the meat and one for the greek yogurt) and one blue.  It was good - very filling (or was that the beer???).

SO - counting the Wheat Thins as a yellow, the beer as a yellow and the hummus as 1/2 a blue, I end the day with only my teaspoons remaining.  I was over by one red and the 1/2 blue.

Happy Friday!!

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