Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Day Twenty One of the 21 Day Fix Extreme - NOT and Ending! A Beginning!

Today is DAY 21!!  YAY!

I started this blog 21 days ago to make myself accountable to this program.  I'm so glad I did!  I would have cheated the program, and myself,  way more had I not.  Yes, I had things that weren't program approved, but overall I'm going to say I've done pretty well.  And there were times I chose to NOT cheat the program (and myself) because I didn't want to have to admit I had.  Thanks for that!

So, 21 Days and...
1.  I am down 4 pounds!  My goal was 5, I'm happy with the 4 I've lost.
2.  I feel great!  I feel lighter, more well rested, healthier.
3.  My clothes fit better.  Not much is better than walking into the closet and putting on things and they fit better than they did three weeks ago!
4.  I am pretty well established in my 5AM workout routine.  I love getting my workout done early and knowing that everything else I do all day is a bonus!
5.  I have broken my wine with dinner every night habit.  This was hard, and a good thing for me to overcome - I'm guessing this alone saves me almost 2000 calories a week. I knew that before, I just talked myself out of caring every night.

Important - I do not want to downplay any addiction of any kind.  I like wine.  It was a habit, not an addiction.  I still like wine.  I just don't spend my drive home from working planning on what kind to have with dinner that night.  Please don't message me all upset because you think I've made light of something that's a super big deal for some folks.  My breaking a habit is VERY different than someone overcoming an addiction.  Ok?  Ok.  Good.

Would I recommend this program to friends?  YES!  Why?

1.  Three weeks is a good time frame to break bad habits and establish new ones.  It's just long enough without seeming too long.  Sometimes the standard 90 day program loses it's luster at about the month mark.  This programs provides a sense of accomplishment in a short period of time.  Instant gratification.  Well, not instant, but soonish gratification.

2.  The nutrition plan is easy to follow.  I HATE counting calories.  I have every app known to man and hate them all because I HATE counting calories.  I love the containers.  Does it fit?  I can eat it. Did I take some liberties in what I had in my containers?  Yes, and still lost weight!

3.  The workouts are challenging but easy to modify when needed.  I didn't miss a single workout and I am the "good sore".  Meaning I can feel that I've worked but am not contemplating the elevator at work because the stairs may make me cry.  Also a great mix of workouts.  On the days when I felt like I needed a break, I got one with the scheduled workout (legs and not arms, pilates versus plyo).

Would I tell people they will look like this when they are done?

No!  Not because they can't.  Maybe they can.  I didn't go from looking how I looked 21 days ago to looking like this today.  Do I find this disappointing?  Ummmm, no!  Why?  Because I'm not in my 20's.  I'm not a bikini model.  And, most importantly, it's not reasonable to think that I can accomplish that body in 21 days.  Sorry, it just isn't!  BUT, I do think it is reasonable to think I could accomplish that body with the nutrition plan and workouts of this program.  Just not in 21 days.  And without any cheating.  Ever.  Hmmmmm.....remember to love the body you are in :)

I'm THANKFUL to have the ability to run.  To lift weights.  To overcome these challenging workouts. Why not focus on the fact that I CAN do those things and not the fact that I'm NOT 120 pounds.  Or ripped.  Or 5'6" (that, frankly, is the biggest tragedy of all, says the one who is 5'2")

I can honestly say that 21 Day Fix Extreme, for me, has helped me make the lifestyle changes I knew I needed to make.  No kidding.  This is not an end, this is the beginning of a fitter, healthier me :)

Now, I know you are teary that this daily dose of fabulous is over.  Don't be!  While I won't post daily, I will post about what I'm doing and things I'm sure you are just desperate to hear about.  Like my honest review of Shakeology.  And PiYo.  And workout hybrids.  And Tower Gardens. And marathon training.  And turning 40.  See??  SO MUCH good stuff to come!!

If you want more info on  this program, or any other Beachbody program (or running or good free strength apps or whatever), please let me know!  I used to work for a physician who would say all the time, "people don't know what they don't know".  I am NOT an expert (remember- self proclaimed workout junkie) and I know enough to know what I don't know (and smart enough to admit when I don't know it!).  My motiviation is NOT to sell you, but to partner with you if you want a coach. or  Thanks!!

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