Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Day TWENTY!! of the 21 Day Fix Extreme - Not going to stop!

Today is Day 20!  I've been thinking for a couple of days now - what's next??  I'm in the habit of the 5AM workout and don't want to stop.  The Fix nutrition and work outs are showing me positive results, so why stop?  I'm down 4 pounds in 20 days, what can I do in another 20?

I'm thinking hybrid - combining some programs that I have.  I just got PiYo, which is a pilates and yoga focused program.  I'm excited to try the workouts and will likely use them a lot come summer when I start marathon training.  I also have T25, which fits the bill in length of workout and ChaLean Extreme, which also has several 30 minute-ish options.  I'm creating a plan (LOVE a plan!) and will share once I've got it finished.

Morning of Day 20 - Dirty 30.  I will continue to do this workout for a long time.  It's full body and challenging and only 30 mins.  All the things I need it to be.

Post workout breakfast - Chocolate Vegan Shakeology and spinach.  Always good - one red and one green.

Morning snack was.....a Clif bar.  Chocolate brownie Clif bar.  I had the Clif bar for an "emergency" situation.  I had brought my yogurt, granola and raisins.  But my mini-fridge is in my boss's office and he had THE LONGEST MEETING EVER and I was hungry.  So, it became an emergency and I ate the Clif bar.  It did not disappoint.  Seriously, so good.  One red and one yellow.

My lunch work out was a 3 mile run.  There was a yoga class and I would have done yoga but I had shorts, and we all know shorts and yoga at work are not a good combo.  Plus I needed the run. Anyone who has ever sought running as therapy is feeling me here.

Post run lunch - my throwback favorite...

Chicken, red pepper, tomatoes and carrots.  With hummus and Ranch dressing for dipping.  Really good and really filling.  YUMMO.  One red, one green, one purple, one blue and one orange.  That's a lot of containers.  It was worth it!!

No afternoon snack.  Didn't need it and I don't want to eat just because it's "time to eat."  I also knew I could come straight home and make dinner, so I wouldn't be starving.

Dinner was salad.  I was craving hard boiled eggs (yes, that's strange) and I thought a big salad sounded good.  This masterpiece is two greens (probably more like 2 1/2 but who gets fat eating vegges?  Nobody!), one red and an orange for the dressing.  I don't have an orange because I ate dressing with lunch, so I counted two teaspoons.  It's a balsamic vinegar based dressing.  Close enough.  This is lettuce, carrots, red peppers, artichokes and two hard boiled eggs.

My 14 year old son was in the kitchen with me as I made this fantastic dinner and complained the entire time about how bad it smelled (artichokes and boiled eggs.  Sorry!).  Of course, this did not keep him from eating SIX tacos.  SIX TACOS.  Oh, and a pudding cup.  And a handful of Juice Plus Chewables, since that makes me feel better knowing he ingested some fruits and veggies!  He's 5' 8" and 130 pounds.  Oh to be young and with a metabolism!!

Tomorrow is day 21 and I'll be sharing my thoughts on this program and experience.  Spoiler alert - I'm a fan!!

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