Monday, April 6, 2015

Days Eighteen of the 21 Day Fix Extreme - Easter Sunday

I'm playing catch up today because yesterday was Easter and I was more interested in family and friends than blogging.  But I was reasonably well behaved!  No chocolate bunnies consumed here! No candy at all, for that matter.  But, candy is not my weakness!

We had leftover steak from Saturday so we made steak and eggs for Easter breakfast.

This was stupid good.  I realize it doesn't photograph well but trust me on this.  Steak, eggs, onion, red pepper and spinach.  Two reds, one green.  And super delish.

I did my workout after church - Lower Fix Extreme.  This workout is hard and is a challenge every time I do it.  Love it.  The only thing I modified this time are the lunge jumps (since they always seem to hurt my knees for some reason) and I am feeling my legs today.  It's the good sore, the I know I've worked hard sore but not the oh my gosh I can't walk down the stairs sore.

Post workout - Chocolate Vegan Shakeology and spinach.  One red and one green.

We had Easter dinner with friends and I brought an appetizer and a side.  I made a cheese and cracker and fruit tray.  I took two Lactaid and sampled the cheese.  Amazing.

I didn't keep close track, but I ate a purple's worth of fruit and I'm sure a yellow's worth of crackers. I've not had cheese since I started this plan so I'm not certain how to measure it but I'm counting the cheese I did have as one blue.  

For my side I made broccoli and cauliflower - drizzled with olive oil and dressed with some pepper and rosemary.  My friends made mashed potatoes and green bean casserole.  Here's our sides...

And, of course, traditional Easter ham.

Now's a moment to be proud (for a quick sec before we start talking about the wine) because, of all this food (and there were rolls that I didn't take a picture of) I ate this...

One red and one green and one teaspoon (for the olive oil).  And really good!  And, honestly, I was not hungry.  Probably because I had 4 glasses of wine...and there's 4 yellows...whoopsie.

So, I ended the day with two purples, one orange and three teaspoons.  And over by two yellows. Overall not a bad day.  I didn't overeat, I didn't eat any candy - actually I just remembered that I had ONE Reeces Pieces.  Does that count as eating candy?  Nah, not really.

Three days left!!

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