Friday, April 24, 2015

Two Weeks Out - Missing the 21 Day Fix and Trying to Love PiYo

It's been about two weeks since I "finished" the 21 Day Fix Extreme.  I say "finished" because, for most folks, fitness and better nutrition (and, obviously, weight loss) is an ongoing journey and never quite a destination.  I've continued to follow the principles of the program, but not like I was.  And I miss it!  How strange!?  But a good thing!

I was in Sacramento for 6 days last week for a work conference.  It's a ton of fun and a ton of work. I work Registration and Customer Service - pretty much anyone who is registering on site or has an issue.  Yep, I am the "problem line" and was witty and charming for hours on end :)  But, like I said, also a lot of fun.  Great example - the inflatable rock wall.  Imagine a bounce house rock wall - this was everything you dreamed it could be.  This was at our Saturday night end of conference party and I climbed it twice.  Once completely sober.  Once not as much.  Hey, corporate folks get drink tickets.  Don't judge!!

This is what it looks like.  That's me getting all harnessed up and ready to climb.  The best part about this deal was that, because it's inflatable, you kind of sink into the green part.  I'm 5'2" and the lowest foot hold was at about my eye level and the lowest hand hold was at about three inches out of reach. It was a very graceful run, bounce, guy in the blue shirt pull on the rope so I can grab the hold move. Didn't get it on my first try.  I'm sure it was even more fantastic when I climbed again three hours and 4 drink tickets later.  Anyway, once I got going it was easy

And here I am at the top!

I have a video (that my boss took ) of my second climb.  It's a watch it once and never again deal!!

Anyway, I did well on my food (aside from one incident involving the most amazing fries ever), not well on wine and marginal at best on exercise.  I walked a TON and did manage to get my plank challenge done (more on that in a later post) but only managed one actual hotel room workout.  The lack of workout and not well on wine went hand and hand, but you already put those dots together...

So, since I've been back I have started a hybrid workout that I created with PiYo (another Beachbody program, combination of Pilates and Yoga and no, my review will not be skewed because I'm a Beachbody Coach!), the 21 Day Fix Extreme workouts and my normal running/at work workouts.  I started PiYo because, as a runner, I'm tight and the best thing you can do is strengthen and stretch, right?...  I've been doing PiYo for a week and desperately want to love's why I don't...

1.  I'm not good at it.  Doing yoga poses when you are as inflexible as I am sucks.  And doesn't really feel like a workout because I spend so much time trying to see what I'm supposed to be doing and realizing I cannot make my body fold in half.

2.  It's not hard enough a workout to make me want to get up at 5AM.  Ok, I know that sounds backwards.  First because it is a hard workout and second because it takes a hard workout to get me out of bed that early.  But, hear me out.  If I'm going to get up at 5AM, it will be with purpose.  I want to work hard enough that when I get to the shower later I can taste the salt when the water hits my hair (gross, but true).  I want that sick I may just keel over feeling that Insanity (another Beachbody program) gives me.  PiYo, while hard, does not leave me with that "I just really worked my ass off" feeling that I like so much.

3.  I'm not good at it.  I know, we've already been here.  But, I like a workout I can conquer.  The 21 Day Fix Extreme workouts are super challenging but I feel accomplished, even when I can't keep up. PiYo is going to be a challenge for me but a different challenge.  I'm not going to give it up, I just can't have it be my primary workout. Maybe I will grow to love it.  We will see!

So I'm going back to a primary workout of 21 Day Fix Extreme routines.  There are two days, one of Pilates and one of Yoga, that I will do the PiYo workouts instead.  And I'll do them as a secondary workout on the days when I have more time.  I'm not giving up on the program.  Improving my flexibility and core strength is very important, especially when I start marathon training this summer.  My goal is to be good enough at PiYo to make it my primary early morning workout by July.  Seems reasonable to me!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme After Pics and Results

I finally had time to do my after pics and measurements.  I am happy to say that, as of this morning, I am down another pound for a total loss of 5 pounds in just over three weeks!!

I did my measurements and here's my results...

Waist - lost 1 1/2 inches
Hips - lost 1 inch
Thighs - lost 1/2 inch each

And here's my before and after pics...








I can really feel the difference.  Five pounds on a 5'2" frame is pretty significant.  I'm happy with my results and, like I said before, have no intention of stopping this program.  It WORKS!!  I have another 7 pounds to go to reach my goal and rock my "I have a dream" jeans when I turn 40 in October!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Day Twenty One of the 21 Day Fix Extreme - NOT and Ending! A Beginning!

Today is DAY 21!!  YAY!

I started this blog 21 days ago to make myself accountable to this program.  I'm so glad I did!  I would have cheated the program, and myself,  way more had I not.  Yes, I had things that weren't program approved, but overall I'm going to say I've done pretty well.  And there were times I chose to NOT cheat the program (and myself) because I didn't want to have to admit I had.  Thanks for that!

So, 21 Days and...
1.  I am down 4 pounds!  My goal was 5, I'm happy with the 4 I've lost.
2.  I feel great!  I feel lighter, more well rested, healthier.
3.  My clothes fit better.  Not much is better than walking into the closet and putting on things and they fit better than they did three weeks ago!
4.  I am pretty well established in my 5AM workout routine.  I love getting my workout done early and knowing that everything else I do all day is a bonus!
5.  I have broken my wine with dinner every night habit.  This was hard, and a good thing for me to overcome - I'm guessing this alone saves me almost 2000 calories a week. I knew that before, I just talked myself out of caring every night.

Important - I do not want to downplay any addiction of any kind.  I like wine.  It was a habit, not an addiction.  I still like wine.  I just don't spend my drive home from working planning on what kind to have with dinner that night.  Please don't message me all upset because you think I've made light of something that's a super big deal for some folks.  My breaking a habit is VERY different than someone overcoming an addiction.  Ok?  Ok.  Good.

Would I recommend this program to friends?  YES!  Why?

1.  Three weeks is a good time frame to break bad habits and establish new ones.  It's just long enough without seeming too long.  Sometimes the standard 90 day program loses it's luster at about the month mark.  This programs provides a sense of accomplishment in a short period of time.  Instant gratification.  Well, not instant, but soonish gratification.

2.  The nutrition plan is easy to follow.  I HATE counting calories.  I have every app known to man and hate them all because I HATE counting calories.  I love the containers.  Does it fit?  I can eat it. Did I take some liberties in what I had in my containers?  Yes, and still lost weight!

3.  The workouts are challenging but easy to modify when needed.  I didn't miss a single workout and I am the "good sore".  Meaning I can feel that I've worked but am not contemplating the elevator at work because the stairs may make me cry.  Also a great mix of workouts.  On the days when I felt like I needed a break, I got one with the scheduled workout (legs and not arms, pilates versus plyo).

Would I tell people they will look like this when they are done?

No!  Not because they can't.  Maybe they can.  I didn't go from looking how I looked 21 days ago to looking like this today.  Do I find this disappointing?  Ummmm, no!  Why?  Because I'm not in my 20's.  I'm not a bikini model.  And, most importantly, it's not reasonable to think that I can accomplish that body in 21 days.  Sorry, it just isn't!  BUT, I do think it is reasonable to think I could accomplish that body with the nutrition plan and workouts of this program.  Just not in 21 days.  And without any cheating.  Ever.  Hmmmmm.....remember to love the body you are in :)

I'm THANKFUL to have the ability to run.  To lift weights.  To overcome these challenging workouts. Why not focus on the fact that I CAN do those things and not the fact that I'm NOT 120 pounds.  Or ripped.  Or 5'6" (that, frankly, is the biggest tragedy of all, says the one who is 5'2")

I can honestly say that 21 Day Fix Extreme, for me, has helped me make the lifestyle changes I knew I needed to make.  No kidding.  This is not an end, this is the beginning of a fitter, healthier me :)

Now, I know you are teary that this daily dose of fabulous is over.  Don't be!  While I won't post daily, I will post about what I'm doing and things I'm sure you are just desperate to hear about.  Like my honest review of Shakeology.  And PiYo.  And workout hybrids.  And Tower Gardens. And marathon training.  And turning 40.  See??  SO MUCH good stuff to come!!

If you want more info on  this program, or any other Beachbody program (or running or good free strength apps or whatever), please let me know!  I used to work for a physician who would say all the time, "people don't know what they don't know".  I am NOT an expert (remember- self proclaimed workout junkie) and I know enough to know what I don't know (and smart enough to admit when I don't know it!).  My motiviation is NOT to sell you, but to partner with you if you want a coach. or  Thanks!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Day TWENTY!! of the 21 Day Fix Extreme - Not going to stop!

Today is Day 20!  I've been thinking for a couple of days now - what's next??  I'm in the habit of the 5AM workout and don't want to stop.  The Fix nutrition and work outs are showing me positive results, so why stop?  I'm down 4 pounds in 20 days, what can I do in another 20?

I'm thinking hybrid - combining some programs that I have.  I just got PiYo, which is a pilates and yoga focused program.  I'm excited to try the workouts and will likely use them a lot come summer when I start marathon training.  I also have T25, which fits the bill in length of workout and ChaLean Extreme, which also has several 30 minute-ish options.  I'm creating a plan (LOVE a plan!) and will share once I've got it finished.

Morning of Day 20 - Dirty 30.  I will continue to do this workout for a long time.  It's full body and challenging and only 30 mins.  All the things I need it to be.

Post workout breakfast - Chocolate Vegan Shakeology and spinach.  Always good - one red and one green.

Morning snack was.....a Clif bar.  Chocolate brownie Clif bar.  I had the Clif bar for an "emergency" situation.  I had brought my yogurt, granola and raisins.  But my mini-fridge is in my boss's office and he had THE LONGEST MEETING EVER and I was hungry.  So, it became an emergency and I ate the Clif bar.  It did not disappoint.  Seriously, so good.  One red and one yellow.

My lunch work out was a 3 mile run.  There was a yoga class and I would have done yoga but I had shorts, and we all know shorts and yoga at work are not a good combo.  Plus I needed the run. Anyone who has ever sought running as therapy is feeling me here.

Post run lunch - my throwback favorite...

Chicken, red pepper, tomatoes and carrots.  With hummus and Ranch dressing for dipping.  Really good and really filling.  YUMMO.  One red, one green, one purple, one blue and one orange.  That's a lot of containers.  It was worth it!!

No afternoon snack.  Didn't need it and I don't want to eat just because it's "time to eat."  I also knew I could come straight home and make dinner, so I wouldn't be starving.

Dinner was salad.  I was craving hard boiled eggs (yes, that's strange) and I thought a big salad sounded good.  This masterpiece is two greens (probably more like 2 1/2 but who gets fat eating vegges?  Nobody!), one red and an orange for the dressing.  I don't have an orange because I ate dressing with lunch, so I counted two teaspoons.  It's a balsamic vinegar based dressing.  Close enough.  This is lettuce, carrots, red peppers, artichokes and two hard boiled eggs.

My 14 year old son was in the kitchen with me as I made this fantastic dinner and complained the entire time about how bad it smelled (artichokes and boiled eggs.  Sorry!).  Of course, this did not keep him from eating SIX tacos.  SIX TACOS.  Oh, and a pudding cup.  And a handful of Juice Plus Chewables, since that makes me feel better knowing he ingested some fruits and veggies!  He's 5' 8" and 130 pounds.  Oh to be young and with a metabolism!!

Tomorrow is day 21 and I'll be sharing my thoughts on this program and experience.  Spoiler alert - I'm a fan!!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Day Nineteen of the 21 Day Fix Extreme - Meh Monday

I could not get out of bed at 5AM today.  Could not.  It was raining and kinda cold and, well, I had 4 glasses of wine Sunday so maybe that had something to do with it...maybe.

But, when I did get up and weighed I am down 4 pounds from where I started!!  SO EXCITED!  I really wanted to lose 5 in the 21 days and I may just squeak it out after all.

Breakfast was standard - Chocolate Vegan Shakeology and spinach.  Let me tell you, my dehydrated cells sucked this up like rain in a drought.  I could almost feel it absorbing.  I could have had two shake's worth, it made me feel that much better.  Of course, a better plan would be to NOT drink 4 glasses of wine, but let's not linger on the past.

Morning snack was yogurt, granola and raisins.  Love this snack.  It's so good and so filling.  And such a treat!  One red, one yellow and one purple.

I skipped my lunch workout today because I had brought just salad for lunch and I was hungry enough to want some protein with it.  I went to Chick Fil A and got their grilled nuggets.  These are basically their grilled chicken cut up into pieces, but yummy none the less.  I added this chicken to my awesome salad.

This salad is three greens.  Two greens worth of lettuce (my fav CostCo mix that I mentioned the other day) and a third green's worth of peppers and carrots.  One red for my chicken and one orange for the dressing.  That's most of my greens for the day but, say it with me people, nobody ever got fat eating veggies!!

I did my workout when I got home from work.  Like the second I got home before my pajamas found me and changed my mind.  Cardio Fix Extreme.  This is a tough workout.  Any workout that has you doing jumping jacks with weights is tough.  And 10 Minute Hardcore.  I didn't do Hardcore yesterday, so I wanted to make sure I did it today.

Post workout dinner - SO hungry!!  Heath made spaghetti sauce and then realized we only had bowtie pasta, which works for me.  I measured and photographed this so you can see how reasonable the portions really are.

Small in the container, but it is a reasonable portion on the plate.  Here it is with sauce. One yellow, one red and one purple.

I ate this and could have eating another serving the same size.  I'm giving myself the chance to decide if I'm hungry or if my brain and stomach need to sync.  If I'm hungry later, I have a purple, a yellow and a blue left.  Plus all of my teaspoons.

Two days left!!

Days Eighteen of the 21 Day Fix Extreme - Easter Sunday

I'm playing catch up today because yesterday was Easter and I was more interested in family and friends than blogging.  But I was reasonably well behaved!  No chocolate bunnies consumed here! No candy at all, for that matter.  But, candy is not my weakness!

We had leftover steak from Saturday so we made steak and eggs for Easter breakfast.

This was stupid good.  I realize it doesn't photograph well but trust me on this.  Steak, eggs, onion, red pepper and spinach.  Two reds, one green.  And super delish.

I did my workout after church - Lower Fix Extreme.  This workout is hard and is a challenge every time I do it.  Love it.  The only thing I modified this time are the lunge jumps (since they always seem to hurt my knees for some reason) and I am feeling my legs today.  It's the good sore, the I know I've worked hard sore but not the oh my gosh I can't walk down the stairs sore.

Post workout - Chocolate Vegan Shakeology and spinach.  One red and one green.

We had Easter dinner with friends and I brought an appetizer and a side.  I made a cheese and cracker and fruit tray.  I took two Lactaid and sampled the cheese.  Amazing.

I didn't keep close track, but I ate a purple's worth of fruit and I'm sure a yellow's worth of crackers. I've not had cheese since I started this plan so I'm not certain how to measure it but I'm counting the cheese I did have as one blue.  

For my side I made broccoli and cauliflower - drizzled with olive oil and dressed with some pepper and rosemary.  My friends made mashed potatoes and green bean casserole.  Here's our sides...

And, of course, traditional Easter ham.

Now's a moment to be proud (for a quick sec before we start talking about the wine) because, of all this food (and there were rolls that I didn't take a picture of) I ate this...

One red and one green and one teaspoon (for the olive oil).  And really good!  And, honestly, I was not hungry.  Probably because I had 4 glasses of wine...and there's 4 yellows...whoopsie.

So, I ended the day with two purples, one orange and three teaspoons.  And over by two yellows. Overall not a bad day.  I didn't overeat, I didn't eat any candy - actually I just remembered that I had ONE Reeces Pieces.  Does that count as eating candy?  Nah, not really.

Three days left!!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Days Seventeen of the 21 Day Fix - Basketball Saturday

Happy Easter!

Yesterday was busy and ended late with Kentucky losing to Wisconsin, so I'm late posting!

Day Seventeen - I am discouraged but telling myself not to be.  The scale is up a pound and a half - and was only down 3 pounds on my best day since I started.  But - here's my reality check...

1.  Three weeks is a perfect amount of time to reset and correct bad habits.  Generally speaking, it takes longer to see significant results.
2.  I have cheated with some foods and some alcohol.  Not tons, but I have.
3.  The program says you can lose up to 15 pounds - but I don't have 15 pounds to lose (thankful!) so I can't expect to lose more than 5 or so in the 21 days.
4.  Overshare Alert - it's period week.  The scale is NEVER my friend during period week!

So - Saturday - I was really good all day because I knew there would be beer and basketball in the evening.  Morning workout - Pilates.  This is a great Saturday workout because it's a lot of abs, which gives my legs a break.

Post workout breakfast - Chocolate Vegan Shakeology and Spinach.  One red and one green. I cannot say how much I love this stuff.  I'll post about it after the Fix is done.

I had lunch early because I went to vote (Lakeland School Bond vote) and then had the natural blonde put back into my hair at 1:00.  Lunch was eggs and sauteed veggies.  This is a Saturday favorite.  Love it.  One red and one green.

After my highlight appointment (natural blonde), I had my afternoon snack - yogurt, granola and raisins.  One red, one yellow and one purple.

We went to a friend's house to watch the basketball games.  They have an awesome outdoor set up with a fireplace.  It was just cold enough for a fire but not too cold to be outside.  We took steaks. And beer.  My problem with beer is that I like it.  I drink really light beer when it's hot outside.  But when it's cold, I love the dark, heavier beer.  Like Sam Adams Chocolate Bock and Shafly Coffee Stout.  Both of which I had.  So good.  And not likely light in calories like my summer stand-by Miller 64.

Anyway, dinner was steak (YUM) and potato salad (also YUM).  I don't eat potato salad very often, and it was good.  Kept it simple, eating outside watching the game, plus didn't need any more food with the beer.  I forgot to photograph my plate, so here's my friend's plate part way through - close enough since we had the same thing.

I'm counting this as a red, a yellow and two teaspoons.  I read the ingredients on the potato salad and it's the mustard based one, so two teaspoons seems enough.

I ended Saturday with one green, two purples, one blue, one orange and two teaspoons.  I subbed all of those for beer :)  LOL, really, I'm over on my yellows by three today.

Happy Easter Sunday!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Day Sixteen of the 21 Day Fix Extreme - Step Away from the Wheat Thins!

Day 16!  Today was a LONG day!  Late night last night, early morning this morning.  So very glad tomorrow is Saturday.  My daughter has a friend staying the night and I have adopted another friend's mantra on sleepovers - don't keep me up, don't wake me up.  As long as they follow those two rules, we will all have a good night :)

This morning was Upper Fix Extreme and 10 Minute Hardcore.  I was thankful for upper today - I was not up for something like Plyo today!  I have learned this workout and can modify some moves to make them harder, some moves I keep with the program of 30 seconds with your heavy weights and 30 seconds with your light weights.  Exercises like biceps, I use the heavy weight for the full minute. And it's still not a heavy weight - we are talking 8's and 5's.

Post workout breakfast was Chocolate Vegan Shakeology and spinach.  One red and one green.

I got to work late because I had a dentist appointment and make the unfortunate decision to work through my lunch hour.  This always seems like a good idea until about 3PM, when I would give my left arm for the day to be over!

About 10:30 I was hungry, so I found the Clif bar that I had taken from Heath's stash.  I am out of my typical snacks and the bar was easy.  I don't want to eat a lot of these because they are pretty high in calories.  I had never had a Chocolate Brownie Clif Bar, but I'm telling you that if Clif Bars want to give me a kickback for mentioning them oh my gosh please send me a year's supply of these! This bar was absolutely off the YUM chart.  Granted, I've not had a candy bar in a while, so maybe I'm skewed.  But I really don't think so.  This thing was GOOD!!!  Like amazing.  Like do I need to run more so I can eat these delish.  I wasn't sure how to count it, but one red and one yellow seems about right.  Hope so.

Lunch was salad and goulash.  Same salad as yesterday, but right out of the package without the extras. One and a half greens.  Goulash is one green, one red and one purple.

I didn't have an afternoon snack and was fine with it until I had to stop by the grocery store on the way home.  The grocery store at 5:30 on a Friday is never a good idea.  EVER.  I got what I needed and...a box of Wheat Thins.  I had an entire conversation with myself regarding these Wheat Thins. And then I put them in the trunk so I wouldn't eat the whole box between the store and my house. True story.

When I got home I had Wheat Thins and hummus.  STARVING.  Like didn't take a picture starving.  Like should have had a snack so I wouldn't get so hungry starving.  Like an Abita Turbo Dog beer with my Wheat Thins and hummus was a good idea starving.  I will say, I highly recommend the Abita Turbo Dog :)

Anyway...there was a dinner plan.  Nachos for the kids and taco salads for Heath and I.  I had reserved my blue for avocado on this salad.  That was before the hummus.  Now, I didn't eat a blue's worth of hummus, but probably 1/3 a blue.  And I still had my avocado too!

This is one green, 1/2 purple, two reds (one for the meat and one for the greek yogurt) and one blue.  It was good - very filling (or was that the beer???).

SO - counting the Wheat Thins as a yellow, the beer as a yellow and the hummus as 1/2 a blue, I end the day with only my teaspoons remaining.  I was over by one red and the 1/2 blue.

Happy Friday!!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Day 15 of the 21 Day Fix Extreme - 3rd Time's a Charm

It's Thursday!  Which means it's almost Friday!  It also means I started my final week of the 21 Day Fix Extreme this morning!

Plyo Fix Extreme.  I finally have this routine down to make it work well for me.  Weights?  Still 8's and 5's.  Plyo?  On everything that's a squat.  Not so much on lunges, but using the heavier weights. This is still a tough workout but I can go up and down the stairs at work without wanting to cry!!

Had my typical breakfast - Vegan Chocolate Shakeology and spinach.  One red and one green.

Morning snack was fruit - strawberries and blueberries.  One purple.

For lunch I made a salad.  I buy this salad mix at CostCo and just love it.  (It comes with a dressing packet, but I don't use it.)  It's delish and pre-cut and mixed.  Just dump in a container, add extras and I'm done.

It has kale and sprouts and all kind of good stuff in it.  One of my favorite parts is the dried cranberries.  Yum.  I measured out two greens of salad and added red peppers, carrots, artichoke hearts and chicken.

Here's how it looked all put together...

This was three greens, one red, one purple (cranberries) and one orange for the dressing.  I know, three greens is all my remaining for the day, but I'll keep saying it - nobody gets fat eating lettuce!!

My afternoon snack was my shake with PB2.  It's really a treat since it's chocolate and peanut butter. So good at 3:00.

Dinner is goulash that I heated up.  Heath and I have a handgun class tonight so I won't be able to make anything for dinner.  But, this is why I make stuff like goulash ahead of time - so I don't make bad drive-thru choices on the way home :)

Goulash is one green, one red and one purple.  That leaves me with all three yellows, a blue and two teaspoons.  And I went over by one green.  Not bad!

Tomorrow is TGIF!  Hooray!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Day Fourteen of the 21 Day Fix Extreme - Yoga with Lucy

Happy April 1st!  I'm not a fan of April Fools Day, so there will be no April Fools-ing in this post!

Lucy, my Lab, is a huge fan of the 21 Day Fix Extreme.  She's such a huge fan that she has learned my new routing and was sweet enough to come get me at 4;57 this morning - three minutes early! Such a good dog :)

So this morning was Yoga with Lucy.  Yoga was better this week.  I still can't do half the poses, ok most of the poses, like they do on the video but at least I can follow along since I know what is coming.  It is definitely a welcome break the day before Plyo Extreme.  Lucy waited patiently until the last move, which is our best move.  Here we are...

Post workout breakfast was my standard Chocolate Vegan Shakeology and spinach (one red and one green) and morning snack at work was my favorite yogurt, granola and raisins (one red, one yellow and one purple).  

Wednesdays are my lunch out days and today I went to Chili's with some friends.  I forgot to photograph my lunch (such a slacker!!) but I did snag the description and pic off the online menu. (All credit to Chili's, blah blah blah the pic is out there so don't be upset that I stole it.)

I personally find it hard to believe that this is only 410 calories.  It's red meat and filling and generally a great break from my normal lunch fare.  Today was no different.  It was GOOD and one green, one red and one blue.  I counted a teaspoon too because I'm not sure what the tomatoes were cooked in.  

I went to the gym this afternoon at 4 - it's my workout day (thanks Juice Plus!  Love my job!) I really was in the mood to run, so I ran.  4 miles at an easy pace and honestly I planned the entire time I was running to have wine when I got home.  I actually ran 4 miles because that's right about 400 calories and enough for two glasses of wine!!

Heath and the kids wanted to go out to eat.  Our planned stuff for the evening was cancelled and it turned in a rare we have nothing we have to do night.  We went to a local place called Brendalay - support local small businesses!!  Lots of yummy looking not so much 21 Day Fix approved stuff on the menu.  I went for the salmon salad.  It was really, really good.  Not completely program approved but reasonably close.

I ate most of it, not all.  Ate around the parm cheese.  It did have croutons and, yes, I ate them!  And they were good!  I also at some of my son's fries.  Fries are my biggest weakness.  I LOVE fries.  I didn't order my own so it isn't as bad, right??  Ha.  Plus I ran 4 miles and didn't have any wine :)

Anyway, I counted this meal as two greens, two reds, two yellows (fries!) and one orange.  I also counted my remaining three teaspoons because I'm not sure what the fish was cooked in.  That ends my day with two purples remaining.  Not too bad considering I ate out for lunch and dinner.

Tomorrow starts my 7 day countdown to the finish!