The Workouts:
Beachbody is releasing the workouts a week at a time, so this week we got:
10 Min Abs
10 Min Recovery
Rip 'N Cut 1.0
Built Stronger 1.0
The last two are workouts that incorporate weights that you can do in place of one of the other days or in addition to the daily workout. I haven't tried either of them just yet, thinking I will one day next week.
Each workout has a different focus, as the name depicts. I will say that Powerful was the toughest one for me this week and I was super happy to discover that Balanced is much slower paced, which is a great way to end the week. Each workout has three Transformers, which is a specific move that you do for one minute and count your reps. The goal is to beat your number each week. These are my transformer numbers for the week:
The two gray boxes on the end are for the optional dumb bell workouts. Maybe I'll be brave enough to try one of those tomorrow.
My Challenge Group decided to do the Ab workout 3 times a week, either MWF or TTHS. I did it twice, on Monday and Thursday, and that was plenty! I also added strength sessions on Monday and Friday (A Little Obsessed Total Body Core and A Little Obsessed AAA) and three runs, a 7 miler on Tuesday, a 4 miler on Thursday and a 4 miler on Saturday. I skipped my 2nd workout on Wednesday because I was TIRED!
The workouts are what you would expect from Shaun T. Very intense, very challenging and I find myself looking at the clock and thinking "holy crap it's only been 12 minutes???" If you have ever done Insanity, this is similar, just with a step and high intensity for the 20 minutes. He moves fast and there were several times I had to pause and rewind to understand the next move. I'm expecting/hoping that to improve over the 6 weeks.
I've been using the Journal daily, recording my food, weight, workout and mood. There's a section to record Daily Challenges, I've made this where I write my daily gratitudes, which is something I've started as a result of my Challenge Group. I find the daily journal easy to use and I like the food journal piece, it helps me keep track of what containers I've had and what I have left. For the most part, I'm doing the timed nutrition of 80 Day Obsession, but I'm more concerned about getting the right number of containers each day. I've kept the food piece pretty simple, here's some examples of what I'm eating:

Both of these are lunches and you can see my containers in the pic. For the salad, I use 1/2 orange for sunflower seeds and the other half for dressing because I don't need that much dressing.
Here's a standard day's food that I bring to work:
Breakfast here is egg cups and potatoes (in the purple container, but measured in a yellow), my post-workout shake and apple, lunch salad and a RX bar and carrots and hummus.
I wasn't sure how to count the RX bar. I ended up counting it as a blue, 1/2 red and 1/2 purple. I'm saving those for days when I do longer runs because that's a lot of containers for one little bar. But, they are DELISH and worth it.
I did have wine on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Yes, I realize that is more than twice in the week! I made it my yellow with dinner and it was fabulous. I could have had a glass of wine every night, but that's part of why I'm overweight, and it wasn't a big deal to skip it and have water.
My hope for week 2 is that I can work harder in the workouts as the moves will be more familiar and that I will see some meaningful movement in the scale.
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